



來到位於Park Square South的馬廄,找店家談話。


      You see a pleasant-looking young peasant woman.
      "My name is Diane."
      "My job is to oversee the stables here in Britain and sell thee a horse and carriage if thou dost want one."
      "Here thou wilt find a selection of the finest horses produced by Lord British's personal horse breeder. If thou dost wish to buy one, I am sure we can come to some sort of arrangement. They come with a carriage, of course."
      "The horse and carriage combination sells for 120 gold. Thou shalt find it in a small shelter just south of the stables, across the street. Dost thou want a title?"
      "Some other time, then."
      "Britain is such a grand city, but it can be somewhat disconcerting if thou dost not know anyone. Fortunately, I know many people here."
      "I have many friends in Britannia. Among them are Greg, James, Brownie and Mack."
      "Greg runs a shop that sells provisions. If thou art planning any sort of expedition he is just the person to see. He seems to be lucky. Perhaps some of it will rub off on thee."
      "James, who runs an inn not far from here, wanted a life of adventure. His family wanted him to run the inn after his father died and he has been discontent ever since. Still, I think he fancies Cynthia who works at the Mint."
      "Brownie is a decent and honest man who would have made a much better mayor than Patterson if thou dost want mine opinion. He uses our horses to plow his field in the spring."
      "One word of warning about Mack. Do not let him start talking about the sky. Other than that he is perfectly fine, I can assure thee."
      "Good day to thee, milord."


走到同樣位於Park Square South旁的農民市場,找裡面的攤販談話。


      You see a sturdy-looking farmer's wife. She gives you a hospitable smile before returning to her chores.
      "I am called Kelly, milord."
      "Mine husband Fred and I run the Farmer's Market."
      "My Fred is one of the most respected merchants in Britain. He sells the eggs and vegetables grown by Brownie and Mack, as well as exotic imported fruit."
Farmer's Market
      "The Farmer's Market is where most of Britain buys its food. Why even the people in Paws will come here to buy eggs and vegetables. Fred has never raise the price of anything since opening this market many years ago."
      "The people of Paws are always short on money. Mine heart goes out to them. They are always looking to buy the least expensive items for it is all they can afford."
      "Oh, in Britain they look for quality produce. I see the people who buy here look over every egg for cracks and every vegetable for any sign of spoilage."
      "Brownie is a good man. I do hope he runs for the mayorship again. If he does thou must be sure to vote for him."
      "I do believe that poor old Mack has been cooped up with his chickens for too long. He is a good person. Do not be put off by the strange stories he doth tell. He rarely ever sleeps as he spends most of the night staring at the sky. Of course his rooster crows at dawn and no farmer can afford to sleep past the dawn. So his mind is a bit ragged."
      "Farmer Mack's chickens lay plenty of eggs. It is a good thing the people here have such healthy appetites!"
fruits and vegetables
      "We sell those mostly to older people. Thou dost know, I am sure, hoe children do not like to eat their vegetables. Some people do not want to keep a lot of fruit in their home as they are afraid of attracting fruit flies."
      "Wouldst thou like to buy some eggs, fruits or vegetables? We have plenty of delicious fresh eggs here for thee. And our vegetables are sure to keep thee in good health."
      "I am sure we have something here that will be to thy liking."
      "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
•eggs(dozen)       12G
•apple                    3G
•banana                 3G
•carrot                   3G
•pumpkin             4G
•grapes                  3G

      "Good day to thee, milord."




      You see a friendly-looking farmer who waves at you as you approach.
      "My name is Fred."
      "I sell meats here at the Farmer's Market in Britain."
Farmer's Market
      "Here at the Farmer's Market we sell vegetables bought from the farmers just outside of town, as well as meats from the slaughterhouse in Paws."
      "It is run by a man named Morfin, a very successful merchant from Buccaneer's Den."
      "Morfin is an unusual character. If I did not know any better I would say he was involved with a number of shady business activities."
Buccaneer's Den
      "Morfin left that place because he saw all of the commerce that was developing there as competition to his own business activities and moved to Paws."
      "Paws is a good place to go to buy things for low prices. Many of the people are rather poor, I am sorry to say. There is little active commerce there, however. In Paws, one must deal with people on a more personal level."
      "They are the tastiest meats that thou canst buy. Do thyself a favor and try some."
      "Wouldst thou like to buy some meats?"
      "We have a fine selection of meats for thee today, milord."
      "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
•mutton                        3G
•beef                            20G
•fowl                               3G
•ham                            20G
•trout                             5G
•flounder                      7G
•meat on a spit           3G
•dried meat(10)         2G

      "Goodbye, milord."






      You see a friendly face looking back at you.
      "My name is Gordon."
      "I sell fish and chips from my wagon."
      "I just painted my wagon recently. It receives more attention. Business is much better now. I am saving my money to travel to Buccaneer's Den."
      "Ever since I became a member of The Fellowship, business has been increasing steadily. I have refined and improved the recipe for my fish batter and it has since become a favorite meal of nearly everyone in Britain. I have even served my fish and chips to Lord British himself."
Lord British
      "Thou dost know-- the bloke who wears a crown and acts like a king."
      "The Fellowship is a wonderful organization that is open to all the people of Britannia. I have learned so much through studying its philosophy and it has helped me to live my life to the fullest. Through The Fellowship I am able to achieve what I have set out to do in life and I am a better person for having joined."
Buccaneer's Den
      "I wish to win some money at Buccaneer's Den. It is a pirate resort and they have a fabulous House of Games there."
pirate resort
      "As I am certain thou knowest, Buccaneer's Den was once a den of thieves and villains. As such, it held a romantic appeal for those who longed for a taste of such an adventurous existence. I am one of those people. When thou dost spend thy life selling fish from a wagon, thou art in need of excitement. The pirates eventually realized just how much they are secretly envied, and so they have turned their island into a place of thrilling amusement."
House of Games
      "It is said they have several games of chance there! Gold can be won wagering on the outcome of a race of fine stallions."
fish and chips
      "I have the best fish and chips thou shalt taste in all of Britannia. My price is only 8 gold coins per serving. Wouldst thou like to have some?"
      He hands you a plate.
      "They are indeed the best fish and chips in all of Britannia."
      "Have a pleasant day, milord."


往右走到Stable Lane路底的The Oaken Oar造船廠。


      Before you stands an old sailing man whose determined face appears to have weathered many a storm.
      "I be Clint."
Crown Jewel
      "The Crown Jewel came to Britain? Not anytime recently. Most certainly not. I remember the Crown Jewel and it has not been to Britain for a long time."
      "In my youth I was a sailor who sailed across the sea in tall ships. Now I must content myself solely with selling ships and sextants to others."
      "Of course this was in the day when it took mighty men to be a sailor. Nowadays those who set out to sea would not have lasted a day. But I suppose it is the nature of the universe that everything slowly becomes more tame."
      "Soon all the monsters will die off and the whole world will join together in trust and worthiness and unity like all those Fellowship people say. Bah! The world was a better place when everybody fought everybody else, I say."
      "It is always the best thing to make thine own way in the world and not listen to what thou art told to believe. Thou hast better remember that!"
      "If thou art in need of a ship I hold the deed to a fine one. Thou wilt also need a sextant to help steer her true."
buy ship deed
      "The deed to the ship 'The Beast' costs eight hundred gold pieces. Does thou wish to purchase her?"
      "If thou dost need a ship be sure to come back here."
buy sextant
      "A sextant costs one hundred gold pieces. Does thou wish to buy one?"
      "If thou shouldst ever need a sextant be sure to come back."
      "May thy travels do well."


來到Lord British Lane路旁名為Jeweler的珠寶店。


      You see a man whose boyish face is set with scrutinizing eyes that look as if they have seen much.
      "My name is Sean."
      "When not tending to Fellowship affairs, I am a jeweller here in Britain. If thou dost wish to buy something, say so!"
      "Even thou mayest join The Fellowship and I can tell thee more about it."
      "The Fellowship is a group that has been gaining much popularity in recent years with the people of Britannia. While on the surface it may simply appear to be a scholarly society studying its particular philosophy, its teachings have the power to forever alter the shape of Britannian society. Its ceremonies are deeply moving experiences."
      "I can tell thee about The Fellowship's philosophy if thou dost wish."
      "I moved mine entire business here to Britain to be near the main branch of The Fellowship. Thou hast no idea how much my business improved after I joined The Fellowship."
      "It is very delicate work. It requires a special touch that only a few have. Thou must know precisely how to handle precious materials. Only the finest of craftsmen become jewellers and they receive the highest compensation."
precious materials
      "I constantly require new materials with which to create my very special jewelry. I am always in the market to buy gems. If thou dost ever come across any, I am the man to come to if thou shouldst want to sell them and make money."
      "Dost thou have a gem for sale?"
      "I will pay thee 30 gold coins per gem. Is that price agreeable?"
      "I see that thou hast 2 gems."
      "Here is thy payment."
finest craftsmen
      "As I have told thee, only the finest of craftsmen become jewellers, and I am the finest of jewellers. Does that not tell thee something?" Sean sniffs.
      "My business makes more money than the mint!" He laughs forcibly.
      "Wouldst thou like to buy something?"
      "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
•gem                           75G
•gold ring               100G
•wedding ring       150G
•ankh                       200G

      "I am sure thou must be on thy way." Sean smiles.


走到上方名為North Stat Armoury的武器店。


      You see a shrewd-looking man who smiles as if he just seen his next customer.
      "I am Grayson, milord. A humble and honest man."
      "Why, here in Britain I sell the best armour and weapons what money can buy. In my spare time, I do deeds for The Fellowship."
      "It has been very beneficial in my life. I was on the verge of going out of business before I joined and now I am more prosperous than ever before."
out of business
      "Thou dost see, I am convinced that my failures were all due to my bad attitude. It took the teachings of The Fellowship to change the way I used my mind and to turn me in the proper direction." 
      "I was never sufficiently forward or aggressive enough to be successful as a merchant but The Fellowship changed all that for me."
      "By applying the values of the Triad of Inner Strength to my life I have accomplished that I have set out to do with my life. Mine armour and weapon shop is successful and I have a place where I belong in The Fellowship."
      "I sell a complete line of armour and weapons."
      "Which wouldst thou care to inspect?"
      Grayson looks you up and down. "Dost thou truly believe that thou art sufficiently protected in what thou art wearing? In truth I fear for thy safety if thou shouldst become involved in combat. Are thou interested in buying something today?"
      "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
•crested helm               75G
•spiked shield               60G
•leather armour           50G
•chain armour            150G
•plate armour            300G
•leather gloves             20G

      After looking at you, Grayson says. "I can see that thou art in sore need of weaponry. Dost thou want to buy something today?"
      "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
•sling                                20G
•dagger                           20G
•spear                              25G
•mace                              20G
•sword                          100G
•throwing axe               25G
•2-handed axe           100G
•2-handed sword       250G

      "Goodbye and farewell, milord."


走到上方名為Iolo's Bows的弓箭店。


      You see a young, wiry teen.

      "Hello, lad! This is Zidane, the Avatar! This is my young apprentice. Coop. How go things, Coop?"

      "Not too badly, milord. I sold a triple crossbow this morning."

      "Lovely! Lovely! Keep that gold coming in, that's what I always say!"

      "My name is Coop."
      "Hello, boss!"

      "Greetings, lad. Thou art looking well."

      "The same to thee, milord!"
      "I am the manager of Iolo's Bows! Master Iolo has entrusted me with this responsibility!"
      "If there is anything thou dost want in the way of bows and arrows, please say so!"
Iolo's Bows
      "Iolo opened this shoppe many, many years ago. He opened Iolo's South in Serpent's Hold more recently. He is becoming quite an entrepreneur!"
      "I sell many goods but I also plan to perpetuate the good name of Iolo by becoming a master archer! Iolo has taught me well!"


      "Yes, the lad is good! He was good before I taught him the firest lesson."


      "What I would not give to join thy group and go adventuring! But, then there would be no one to run the shoppe. So I cannot go. But someday... Anyway, I please myself in the evenings by singing with a musical group."
      "My group is called... well, it is called 'The Avatars'. I hope that does not offend thee."
The Avatars
      "The band is just me and two musicians from The Music Hall. We play at the Blue Boar every night. I sing and write lyrics. The other two play the instruments. Please come to hear us!"
bows and arrows
      "We sell all kinds of bows, along with arrows and bolts. If thou dost wish to buy something, please say so!"
      "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
•bow                               40G
•crossbow                  125G
•triple crossbow     400G
•arrows(dozen)          25G
•bolts(dozen)              30G



來到上方名為的Gaye's Clothiers裁縫店。


      You see a woman who oozes partially sincere friendliness.
      "My name is Gaye."
      "I oversee the clothier's here in Britain when I am not pursuing the teachings of The Fellowship."
      "Thou wouldst want to attend the Fellowship meeting tonight at nine o'clock. It is always a moving experience to hear the words of Batlin, our founder."
      "At our clothier's shop we have the finest silks and garments to buy that thou hast ever seen, imported from every corner of Britannia to cater to all tastes."
      "Wouldst thou like to buy some clothing today?"
      "We have many nice clothes to choose from."
      "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
•shoes                       20G
•kidney belt            20G
•leather boots       40G
•tunic                        30G
•dress                       30G
•pants                       30G
•swamp boots       50G

      "Good day, milord."




      You see a very clean-looking, portly young man who waves at you frantically.
      "My given name is Wilhelm, although no one calls me that. I prefer to be addressed as Willy. Thank thee very much."
      "I am the baker here in Britain and I make the sweetest bread thou hast ever tasted!"
      "Hast thou had a chance to sample any of my bread yet?"
      "Then here, thou must have some!" He tears a piece of bread off of one of several loaves he is carrying and stuffs it into your mouth.
      "There! Is it not the sweetest bread thou hast ever tasted? It is, is it not?!" You chew as fast as you can in order to answer him.
      He grabs your face by the cheeks and plants a big kiss on your forehead. "Thou art truly a person of good palate and refined taste!"
      He nods. "Yes, I am a baker and I have many secret recipes passed down to me by my father and mother. Why, there are even those who say I am a master baker!"
      "And there are those who call me a... doughnut," he says with a frown.
secret recipes
      "Oh, dear. Do not tell me that thou art yet another person who is trying to pry one of my secret recipes out of me! If that is what thou art after then thou wilt just be disappointed!"
master baker
      "Yes, many people tell me that. Now thou dost say it, too. If thou dost say so, then it must be true!"
      Willy takes a bite of his own bread. "Mmmm. I -am- a master baker!"
      He gives you a long puzzled look. After a moment he takes one of his loaves of bread and swats you over the head with it.
father and mother
      "Willy wipes away a tear. "Gone. Both of them. Gone to join mine ancestors in that great kitchen in the sky. I will never be able to cook as they did. Still I plod along, trying to keep the family name alive, and that is why I am a baker. But I suppose it is not the only reason."
      "Actually, there is a very good reason why I am a baker."
      "Because the way to a woman's heart is through her stomach. Why, I have two women in love with me right now and I did not even have to pursue either one."
two women
      He sighs. "If thou must know, their names are Jeanette and Gaye."
      "Jeanette is a pleasant enough girl, but to be honest I cannot see myself with a tavern wench. She thinks I have not noticed how she feels about me. Frankly, I wish she would just leave me alone."
      "Gaye, who runs the costume shoppe, is of more interest to me. But she is a Fellowship member and I have no wish to become one. I hope that it does not prevent us from courting."
      "My bread is the finest in Britannia. It is renown for both its pleasant taste and its very reasonable price. But it is a lot of work making enough to satisfy the constant demand for it. I need to hire someone to help me."
      "Thou couldst work for me here in the shoppe making bread. Or I will buy sacks of flour from thee. Thou couldst buy them wholesale in Paws, and I will pay thee 4 gold per sack."
      "Dost thou wish to work here in the shoppe for me?" Willy asks hopefully.
      "'Tis a pity thou art unavailable. Thou dost look like one who doth know their way around a kitchen."
      "I not only have bread for sale, but pastries, cakes and rolls as well. The most delicious baked goods thou couldst ever wish to pop into thy mouth! Wouldst thou like to buy some?"
      "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
•bread           4G
•cake              3G
•rolls              4G
•pastry          3G

      "Good day to thee, milord, and bon appetit!"




      "Hello again, and what may I do for thee today?" asks Gaye.
      "Yes, he is a very amusing fellow. I am quite taken with him and I do see him against my better judgment. He does not seem like the type to join The Fellowship, though. Since The Fellowship is my whole life, I do not know if there is a place in it for him. I have not made up my mind about that yet."
      "Good day, milord."


往北來到Avatar Avenue旁的The Blue Boar酒吧。



Tonight 9-12

In Person

The Avatars





      Your old friend Shamino stands before you and you marvel that he has finally progressed into what some might call 'middle age'.
      Your friend looks at you like you have lost your head. "'Tis Shamino. -Sha-mi-no-."
      "I should hope 'twould be adventuring with thee! I am weary of loitering about Britain. There is much we could be accomplishing! Where hast thou been, anyway?"
      "But please tell me what brings thee here!"
murder in Trinsic
      Shamino listens as you tell him the story. I would be honored to join and help thee in investigating this matter."
      "Yes, I have been in Britain as of late, attempting to find work. Thou dost know that adventuring comes around too infrequently. One must find -other- diversions. Which reminds me... I have thy pocketwatch."
      "The usual. I do not see our old friends often, and Lord British rarely finds work for me. I certainly have no time for wenching or drinking -- I have grown up a bit."

      "Ahem, I have heard something about an actress, no?"

      "What dost thou know of it?"

      "Zidane, ask him about 'Amber'."

      "Thou art a swine, Iolo."
      You see a light shine in Shamino's eyes as you mention her name. He is obviously smitten.
      "She is an actress I know."
      "Thou dost mean Iolo and Dupre, I presume?"
      "Dost thou mean that miserable excuse for an archer?"

      "Watch what thou dost say, scoundrel!"

      "Yes, that's Iolo!"
      "I believe he is in Jhelom."
Lord British
      "I suggest that thou proceed immediately to see him!"
      "Thou didst leave it when thou didst last visit Britannia. Here it is."
      Shamino hands you the pocketwatch.
      "Well, I do not know if thou are aware, but we are having many problems with magic in general, and with the Moongates."
      "Magic all over Britannia seems to be disturbed. Say, dost thou remember Nicodemus in the great forest? He has gone mad and is terribly silly. Perhaps we should visit him."
      "I am confounded by their inability to function properly."
      Shamino looks relieved. "I am -so- glad thou didst ask me that." He gathers his gear and prepares to follow you.
      Shamino bows slightly.




      You see an attractive woman in her fifties. She has a warm smile. "Welcome! Who art thou, stranger?"
      "Whoa! Hey everyone! This here is the Avatar!"
      Everyone in the Blue Boar laughs.
      "And I'd bet thou dost need a drink, right?"
      "I'm Lucy!"
      "I run The Blue Boar. Oldest tavern in Britannia."
      "If thou dost want anything to eat or drink, just say so!"
Blue Boar
      "Smashing place for a revel! It hath been here for ages! I inherited it from my grandfather. I enjoy it because I love to cook. And eat." She laughs.
      "And drink!" She laughs again.
      "But mostly I like it because I meet so many interesting people. Just like thee, Avatar!"
      "Thou dost look like the kind of person who doth enjoy a fair bit of revelry!"
      "Come back to the pub in the evening to hear our house band, The Avatars!"
      "Lucy laughs. "Revelry! Singing! Dancing! Eating! Drinking! All in a time and place where one may stop and enjoy life! I can see it hath been to long since thou hast sampled the simple pleasures of life in Britannia!"
The Avatars
      "They are a popular local singing group. I am sure thou wilt like them, Avatar!"
      "Oh, I so enjoy meeting men who like to go out and 'kill' things!"
      "I serve Britain's finest ale and wine."
      "Everything I serve is delicious. I highly recommend that thou tasteth the Silverleaf dish. Worth every gold piece spent!"
      "It's made from the root of a very rare tree. Quite superb, it is!"
      "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
•mutton                 6G
•beef                     20G
•mead                  15G
•trout                     5G
•ham                    20G
•Silverleaf          50G
•bread                    4G
•cake                       3G
•ale                           5G
•wine                        5G

      "Talk to thee later!"




      This young, lovely tavern wench is sexy and sweet.
      "Jeanette, at thy service!"
      "I work for Lucy at the Blue Boar. I serve food and drinks."
      "If there is anything thou wouldst like, please say so! And, er, I shall give thee a discount if thou dost buy from me!"
      "Lucy is a good cook. I recommend everything. Especially Silverleaf."
      "Wonderful dish. Try it!"
      "Thou dost look like thou dost need a good drink!"
      "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
•mutton              5G
•beef                  18G
•mead               12G
•trout                 4G
•ham                 18G
•Silverleaf       45G
•bread                3G
•cake                   2G
•ale                      4G
•wine                  4G



來到聖者大道(Avatar Avenue)底的Lucy和Jeanette屋裡,閱讀書籍。



by Fordas

    Within these pages thou wilt find the comparative analysis of many of things we, humans, place in our bodies in the name of food. I will attempt to provide for thee information on what constitutes "good" food and what constitutes "bad," and will display the information by mentioning each type from best to worst, first in terms of nutritional value and second by taste. 
    A large chop of fine meat, including mutton, fowl, ham. or ribs, is far the most nourishing. This does not include other forms of beef, however, for they are usually served in smaller portions. Pork and sausage are also lower on the proverbial "scale," for they are not quite as filling. In place of meat, I would recommend flounder, cheese, or potatoes, for they are also quite good for thee. 
    In some instances, trout, fish and chips, and some breads will pass for a meal. An egg and most any other fruit and vegetable, including: an apple, a banana, a carrot, a pumpkin, a bunch of grapes, and various cakes, will suffice in a pinch. However, despite its delectable taste and extravagant price, Silverleaf meals have absolutely no value on this chart at all. The moral is, my friend, never pass up meats when thou hast the chance to dine upon them!
    Obviously, not everything that tastes good is nourishing. At the top of this list, I must put down Silverleaf. The taste is absolutely exquisite! Short of that, I recommend roast mutton with a lovely Minoxian glaze sauce. Add a potato as a side course, with the whole meal preceded by a few raw vegetable, and thou truly hast a wonderful feast! 
    For a second course, I would suggest...


走到西邊的The Wayfarers Inn旅店。


      You see a sour-faced innkeeper who looks at you as if all of his problems were your fault.
      "My name is James."
      "I am the proprietor of the inn."
      "It is just another way of saying that I am the man who is the desk clerk. Which thou mayest think is an easy job although it is not, I can assure thee."
desk clerk
      "Of course, being desk clerk is not all I do. I must spend all day listening to people talk about their problems as if I am supposed to solve them!"
      "That is correct, milord. So if thou dost have a problem, allow me the courtesy of not having to hear all about it. Now what was it that I was saying again?"
      "Maybe solving people's problems is an easy task for other innkeepers, but, not only am I bad at it, I have mine own problems as well."
      "I do not like my job! I never wanted to be an innkeeper, I just wanted to keep the place going after my father passed on. Now that I am married to Cynthia, I am more tied down than ever!"
      "Instead of being an innkeeper I always secretly wanted to be a pirate! When I was not sailing the seas I would be living in Buccaneer's Den."
      "Thou knowest for certain that few if any people would pour their troubles out to pirates. If I were a pirate I could get this bad foot replaced with a peg, too!"
Buccaneer's Den
      "As I understand it they have an excellent House of Games there as well as opulent baths. Or at least so I have heard from Gordon, the man who sells fish and chips."
      "Do not mistake my words, milord. I love Cynthia with all mine heart. But there are I times I feel I am too young to be married. Besides, I know I cannot be a good husband for her."
good husband
      "How can I make Cynthia happy on the pittance an innkeeper makes when all day long she is counting all that money in the mint? I know I cannot."
      "Already I can sense she is worried about our marriage. I know that there is something wrong between us."
      "I know the nature of the heart, my good friend. After being exposed to such large sums of money she shall begin to covet it. As I cannot provide it, she shall leave me to give her heart to a wealthy man. Perhaps a merchant or a nobleman. The thought of it makes my blood boil."
not easy
      "When one is an innkeeper one must run around all day long. If anyone wants anything thou art the one who must take care of it for them!"
      "This place is called the Wayfarer's Inn. It has a long and substantial history in Britain. If thy grandparents ever came to town this is probably where they stayed."
run around
      "I spend so much time running around that I have gotten a bad foot."
      "Oh, I suppose thou wouldst like a room now! There, that is just what I mean! It is ten gold pieces per person for a night. Thou dost want a room, dost thou not?"
      "Here is thy room key. It is only good until thou leavest the inn."
      "Oh, thou shalt just come back again wanting something else from me! I just know it!"





John-Paul of Serpent's Hold

Horffe of Serpent's Hold

Featherbank of Moonglow

Tervis of Buccaneer's Den

Lord Shamino...


先繞道去位於Lord British Lane的Royal Mint找Cynthia,聊聊她丈夫的事。


      You see a helpful and efficient-looking woman.
      "My name is Cynthia."
      "James is mine husband and I am very worried about him. I know he is feeling very unhappy lately and he dislikes his job. If thou dost speak to him please tell him that even though we have not been speaking very much lately, that I am still think of him and that I still care about him."
      "I am the teller at the Mint. I am also a member of the Britannian Tax Council."
Britannian Tax Council
      "The Britannian Tax Council is in charge of the accounting, assessment and collection of the taxes. If thou wilt be earning any money here in Britannia thou will need to take this paper."
      "Fill it out and return it here at the end of the year when thou dost come back to pay thy taxes."
      "Here at the Mint we store gold, oversee production of coins and keep an accurate count of how much money the kingdom has available for such things as farming, building the roads, developing sources of fresh water, seeing to the health of the citizenry, maintaining the estates of nobles, raising the guard militia and carrying out the decrees of Lord British."
      "As I am certain thou dost know, the seven year drought, which thankfully ended several years ago, has left much of the farming in the Kingdom in disarray. That is why the cost of food is so expensive. But without the support of the Royal Treasury, the prices would be even higher."
      "The increased use of wagons has caused many of the roads throughout Britannia to rapidly deteriorate. It costs a lot of money to build new roads and keep them all repaired."
      "It is of the utmost importance to the Kingdom to insure its populous a clean water supply, and that requires a regular supply of new and fresh wells."
      "As Britannia's population has greatly increased in the last two hundred years, so has the risk of infectious diseases, such as the mysterious skin deterioration that afflicts those who partake in the venom of the silver serpent. The number of healers that the kingdom needs has risen dramatically."
      "The local Lords and Mayors all have residences that are maintained through the auspices of the Kingdom."
      "The military training is conducted at Serpent' Hold, where the guards that protect all of the towns and cities of Britannia are instructed. 'Tis funded by the Royal Treasury."
      "In order to keep the standard of money constant, we also operate as an exchange for those who possess quantities of gold. We supply the equivalent value of their gold in spendable coin of the realm and then transform the gold we receive into more money. So, as thou canst see, it is a very efficient system."
      "It not only applies to gold but it also applies to all minerals. We oversee the sale and rate of exchange for precious ores extracted by the Britannian Mining Company. But we do not handle the sale of gems. There is a jeweler in town who handles that."
      "Dost thou have some gold that thou wouldst like to exchange?"
      "We can exchange thy gold nuggets and bars into spendable coins for thee. I will give thee ten gold coins for each gold nugget and one-hundred gold coins for each gold bar."
      "And here are 600 gold coins for thee in return, milord. I thank thee for thy business."
      "Good day, milord."




To insure the proper record-keeping of thine income and spending, first replicate in triplicate the files numbered 37-A through 1204-W of the forms. Following each copy, compile the aggregate number of expenditures and multiply by tables 3, 69, 106. The next involves...




      "What must I do for thee now, milord?" asks James.
Cynthia said
      "You repeat the words that Cynthia had said to you about him. A smile comes across his face. "Aww, who wants to be a pirate anyway? I would hate that!" With he goes back to wiping the bar, but you notice that the smile is still there.
      "Oh, thou shalt just come back again wanting something else from me! I just know it!"


再往西走到Avatar Avenue底的訓練場,赫然遇到老朋友。


      You see a dashing, slender man, stylishly dressed, with a lot of flair.
      "Thou dost not remember me? I am Sentri! We have gone adventuring together in the past!"
      "When I am not adventuring with old friends, I am a trainer in Britain. I specialize in combat involving swordsmanship. I am quite good at that, as thou dost remember."
      "But I would drop everything to join thy group if thou art not too encumbered."
      "I am becoming weary of the place. It is having growth pains of which the bourgeoisie are unaware. All is not as serene as the noblemen present it."
not serene
      "Well, for example, try going to one of the smaller towns, says, Paws. It is a poor man's place. It reeks, too. And 'tis only just beyond the Britain town limits. More money should be put into improving the land as a whole, not just in building new buildings in the capitol city. I do not know what Lord British is thinking!"
Lord British
      "I never see him much. He stays in that castle of his all the time. He never gets out. No wonder he hasn't a clue what is going on in this country."
      Sentri draws his sword so quickly it is like a flash of lightning. He does a few fancy moves, slashing the air with the blade.
      "No foe shall stand after I am finished with him!"
      "My fee is 30 gold for a training session. Is this all right?"
      "Then I shall rob someone else!" Sentri laughs aloud.
      "I do not see our old friends Iolo, Shamino, or Dupre much."
      "How art thou, friend? Thou dost look like thou couldst use a little training thyself!"


      "What is this? Everyone doth make fun of my physique!"


      "I am not making fun, Iolo. I am serious!" Sentri laughs.
      "Say, Shamino, art thou still spending thy time dressing in women's clothes?"




      "Or art thou wasting away thy life in a healer's den, now that in thy middle ages?"


      "Careful, friend. Those are fighting words!"


      "Sentri punches Shamino good naturedly. "And that is all thy are, my dear friend. Words! 'Tis good to see thee!"
      "I want to see that no-good trouble-maker! He is a knight now, I hear! Sir Dupre indeed!"
      Sentri bows. "I am very pleased to join thy group."
      "Until later."




走出訓練場,從Hazle Lane路上迎面走來一位友誼會會員。


      You see a cute-looking woman who beams with a huge smile when she notices you looking at her.''
      "My name is Millie," she giggles coyly.
      "I suppose I have no job, but is that really so bad? I am a member of The Fellowship and I talk to people about them all day long."
      "Dost thou know what The Fellowship is?"
      "Oh, I think thou dost not really know!"
      "The Fellowship is a group that has been gaining much popularity in recent years with the people of Britannia. While on the surface it may simply appear to be a scholarly society studying its particular philosophy, its teachings have the power to forever alter the shape of Britannian society. Its ceremonies are deeply moving experiences."
      "Dost thou want to join?"
      "Oh. Well, perhaps thou canst become enlightened another time."
      "If thou dost wish, thou mayest attend tonight's meeting at the Fellowship Hall. It begins at nine o'clock sharp. Just tell them that thou art my guest. I shall see thee there, I hope." Millie giggles and looks away shyly.
      "I spend all my time trying to recruit, er... spread the word of The Fellowship. It is better than having a job! I learned ho to do this at the Meditation Retreat."
Meditation Retreat
      "'Tis located on an island in south Britannia near Serpent's Hold. Most new Fellowship members spend some time down there learning the tenets of the group. One can also learn to hear 'the voice' at the retreat."
the voice
      "Fellowship members have an inner voice which speaks to them. I have not heard it yet, but I am working toward it. I may need to spend another few days at the Meditation Retreat in order to do so. Batlin tells me not to be discouraged, though. He says I will hear it when I have made myself worthy."
      "I shall see thee later! Maybe even at tonight's Fellowship meeting!"


到上頭位於Center Avenue旁的訓練場。


      You see a lean, young fighter with a rather dashing flair.
      "My name is Zella."
      "I am a trainer. I specialize in hand-to-hand combat. After all, a fighter never knows when he might encounter an adversary and suddenly realize he is unarmed. I call it 'boxing'. Boxing is not only a method of fighting -- it is an art."
      "The field of battle contains many arenas. Almost any situation could arise. Every fighter should be knowledgeable and adept at many forms of combat. I have mine own theory of fighting."
      "All the various arenas of combat, all the various styles one may learn in fighting with various weapons, are not fighting in its purest form. To truly be a great fighter one must go to the source of all fighting knowledge."
      "Just as a castle is built from the foundation up, so must a fighter. One cannot simply begin by learning to fight with weapons. Weapons are merely an extension of a person's extremities. A true fighter learns by using those extremities first."
      "Make no mistake. Fighters are made, not born. All the natural talent in the world will avail thee naught if one does not have the heart and the will to win. Part of that will is the courage to seek out thine own limitations and strive to better them."
      "Thine arms. Thy legs. Thy fists. This is what makes 'boxing'."
      "My price for training is 45 gold. Is this all right?"
      "Then mayest thou find more inexpensive training elsewhere."
      "Good day to thee."


來到位於Park Square North旁的物品供應商。


      You see a gleeful-looking merchant with an enthusiastic voice and manner.
      "Why, my name is Greg. It is good to see thee."
      "Why, I run the Provisioner's Shop here in Britain. A second home to the intrepid, it is."
Provisioner's Shop
      "Why, thou dost look to be a person to whom adventure is no stranger. Whether thou art climbing a mountain, sailing the ocean, crossing a desert, exploring a dungeon or sleeping under the stars I have just what thou mayest need."
      "What every adventurer needs is good lick! There is just something about this shop, about the items bought here, something about me and my shop that is simply very lucky. I can give thee an example of what I mean."
      "My customers are all people who go out and perform dangerous feats of bravery and derring-do. But most keep returning to buy more provisions time and again. With all the dangerous things my customers do, it is a wonder I have not lost them all and gone out of business!"
      "A fighting man named Gorn once bought a shovel from me and he told me that it saved his life."
      "Perhaps thou knowest of Gorn. He speaks with a most peculiar accent!"
saved his life
      "Gorn wanted to dig for some buried treasure somewhere, when he heard some noise behind him. Upon turning, he was horrified to see a swarm of undead skeletons rushing toward him! In his haste to dig up the treasure, he had unbuckled his belt and laid down his sword. The only thing in his hands was the shovel. He immediately began swinging it and ended up knocking all the skeletons to bits! He now considers it his 'lucky shovel'!"
      "I have moved my store here as a service to Lord British, who uses me exclusively to outfit all of his various expeditions. It is true!"
      "I used to have my shop in Paws. But no one in Paws has the money to buy much of anything."
Lord British
      "This is Lord British's favorite provisionary shop. He told me so himself. All sorts of famous adventurers pass through these doors. Why, just last week, we had the Avatar himself in this, my very own store!"
another Avatar? 
      "Well, he said he was the Avatar. But then it is not all that unusual encountering some loon or fool who claims to be the Avatar!" He looks at you and for a moment appears a little embarrassed.
      "As I say, we have everything thou dost need to have a jolly splendid adventure!"
      "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
•torch                                  5G
•oil flasks(dozen)         72G
•backpack                       15G
•bag                                     8G
•shovel                            20G
•powder keg                  35G
•lockpick                        10G
•hoe                                 20G
•bucket                             8G

      "Good day to thee, milord."


走到位於Noble Road的藥劑店。


      You see a very authoritative-looking older man who looks at you with thoughtful concern.
      "My name is Kessler."
      "I run the apothecary shop here in Britain."
      "While the normal function of an apothecary is to administer potions and magical reagents, I am nowadays working almost exclusively for Lord British trying to study a specific problem."
      "I am studying the effects of a particular substance known as silver snake venom. But I am encountering a number of difficulties."
silver snake
      "As one may surmise from the name it is the venom taken from the dangerous silver snake. The fascination that many people possess for these creatures has created a great deal of curiosity about the venom itself."
      "There are those who claim that gargoyles take the venom which results in their becoming enhanced in combat and such. Now this may be just a myth, but the curiosity people feel is real enough."
      "My greatest difficulty is in finding any significant quantity of silver snake venom. But it is by no means mine only difficulty."
      "If by any chance thou wouldst come across any silver snake venom bring it back to me here. I shall pay thee fifty gold coins for every vial of it thou canst supply."
other difficulties
      "People need to be alerted to how dangerous silver snake venom is. To this end I wish to announce my findings before Lord British and a consortium of lords and mayors, but to do that I must first finish my study."
      "Recently there has been a dramatic rise in the use of a very strange substance. People have begun to purposefully ingest the venom of the silver snake."
      "The silver snake produces a venom that is extremely poisonous, but when taken in less than lethal amounts, it causes a variety of strange effects."
      "For a time the venom will heighten one's physical and mental performance, such as allowing one to work harder, for example. But after the effects have worn off, it will impair the user permanently."
      "It first makes the user feel extremely tired and eventually causes a sloughing of the skin. The venom is a dangerous substance and thou shouldst not partake of it under any circumstances."
      "They are certainly not a recent invention here in Britannia! Potions are liquids that possess certain magical qualities which are used for all sorts of purposes, such as the treatment of injury and disease. I have a quantity of them for sale if thou art interested."
magical qualities
      "Since the mages have become so ineffective, we have been forced to develop other ways to accomplish all the things we used to be able to depend on mages to do. Unfortunately, many of these new methods are as yet untested."
      "We still know very little about the effects of most of the substances we use. Many cause more problems than they solve, or react differently if taken in unison with other elements. Some might cause thee to become dependent on them for thine health and some may simply be poisonous."
buy potions
      "I always keep a fresh stock of ingredients and an inventory of prepared potions in case anyone should be in need of them. Wouldst thou like to buy one?"
      "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
•poison                     15G
•curative               150G
•illumination         50G
•sleep                        15G
•protection           150G
•invisibility          100G
•healing                  150G
•awakening             30G

      "It was good speaking with thee, milord."




by Fetoau

        It is the author's expectation that thou art reading this familiarize thyself with the effects of various potions based on their color. The first part of this work will discuss such aspects, with the remaining pages covering the materials and steps required to make such alchemal creations.


Black potion: Drinking this will render the individual invisible for several minutes.
Blue potion: This mixture will put the imbiber into a deep sleep.
Orange potion: This potion will awaken an individual who was magically put to sleep.
Purple potion: This concoction will provide magical protection for several minutes of hard fighting.
White potion: This potion will provide a small bit of illumination, much like a candle, for a few minutes.
Yellow potion: This powerful mixture will give healing aid to the imbiber's wounds.

      WARNING: Green potion: This potion is a dangerous toxin, and will poison the imbiber, possibly killing the individual.
Red potion: This fabulous drink will cure most poisons, including those acquired from the slugs in the swamps and that gained from drinking a GREEN potion.

      This next section details how one can best recreate these uncanny concoctions...




Csil or Abrams
      You see a healer who looks wise and honest.
      "I have been looking forward to thine arrival, Avatar. Word spreads quickly. I am pleased to meet thee!"
      "I am Csil the Healer, although in a past life I was known as Abrams. I became Csil when I was advanced."
      "When my name was Abrams, I lived on the island of New Magincia and did mine apprentice work there. My practice grew, and soon I was travelling by ship to Moonglow to see patients there."
      "Soon I had patients on three islands. It was then that Lord British received word of my practice."
Lord British
      "Well, Lord British himself was struck down with some sort of malady. He sent for me. I arrived at the castle as soon as I could leave my patients, and I examined the king. It appeared to me that something had infested his blood. I have a theory about it, which I am convinced is correct. Others, however, do not share my view."
      "I believe that most sicknesses are caused by tiny living things. We cannot see these things with the naked eye. However, I am working on developing an instrument which -can- see these creatures. I believe that someday, healing will not depend on magic at all, but on some form of treatment which makes one less vulnerable to these living creatures. Since these animals are biological, I call this theorized treatment 'antibiotics'. What dost thou think, Avatar? Am I on the right track?"
      "Good. I thought so."
      "There is a group of people who do not encourage my studies. We do not get along at all. I think they have something against healers which goes beyond simple distrust. Dost thou know whom I mean."
      Csil nods. "I thought so. The Fellowship is not... quite what they seem."
      "They have a doctrine which outlines their beliefs. They believe if one is faced with pain, then he has no choice but to go through it in order to be a 'better person'. I do not agree with this. No one should ever go through needless pain. But... they are entitled to their own opinions."
      "My practice grew swiftly. I am a modest man, but I do not mind saying that I was a popular healer."

      "He is probably the best healer in all Britannia. Why, he cured a, er, particular problem I had in no time at all."

      "Oh? What problem was that?"

      "Never mind. The whole world does not need to know about it."

Csil or Abrams
      "I am Britain's Healer, and have been for many years. If thou wishest to employ my services, please say so. I shall be only too happy to help."
      "I am qualified to heal, cure poison, and resurrect. Art thou interested in one of these services?"
      "If thou hast need of my services later, I will be here."
      "Goodbye, Avatar."




by Lady Leigh

      Within this rather in-depth and complex look at healing are the ideas considered to be -the- definitive text on healing wounds, curing poison, and resurrecting the recently dead. Within can be found suggested remedies for any known sickness in Britannia, including the dreaded Zoradin's Disease, which causes a loss of vision followed by an extreme sensitivity to noise.

      In addition, the book lists a few of the after-effects of healing and curing, such as an increase in appetite, intense restlessness, and slight dizzy spells. Though not for good as an introduction to healing for beginners, the tome is perfect for the seasoned healer.


by Fetoau

       It is the author's expectation that thou art reading this familiarize thyself with the effects of various potions based on their color. The first part of this work will   discuss such aspects, with the remaining pages covering the materials and steps required to make such alchemal creations.


Black potion: Drinking this will render the individual invisible for several minutes.
Blue potion: This mixture will put the imbiber into a deep sleep.
Orange potion: This potion will awaken an individual who was magically put to sleep.
Purple potion: This concoction will provide magical protection for several minutes of hard fighting.
White potion: This potion will provide a small bit of illumination, much like a candle, for a few minutes.
Yellow potion: This powerful mixture will give healing aid to the imbiber's wounds.

WARNING: Green potion: This potion is a dangerous toxin, and will poison the imbiber, possibly killing the individual.
Red potion: This fabulous drink will cure most poisons, including those acquired from the slugs in the swamps and that gained from drinking a GREEN potion.

      This next section details how one can best recreate these uncanny concoctions...



by Creston
Forward by Lady Leigh

      Though I personally advocate the use of healing herbs and more sterile bandaging environments, the steps told in this treatise will suffice until better healing care becomes available. Follow Creston's steps carefully, and thou wilt have no trouble forming a reliable, if not perfect, way to prevent serious blood-loss. Remember, however, that there is no care as good as clean sheets, a sturdy bed, and proper attention!
-- Lady Leigh of Serpent's Hold

      As long as one has shears, cloth, and a conscious mind, thou wilt have little fear of bleeding to death on the corpse-littered field of battle. Simply cut the cloth into strips and bandages. Quickly placing the center of the bandage over the wound, wrap the strip around and around the bleeding area. As the cloth begins to soak up the blood, it will combine with the natural healing aspects of the body to staunch the flow of blood and quicken the healing process. In no time at all, thou wilt be ready to travel again (though I advise this travel to be to the house of a competent healer!).





      You see a fighter with intense eyes and a serious disposition.
      "I am Denby."
      "I am a trainer. I specialize in a form of combat which relies on one's ability to use intelligence and physical ability to activate minor magical effects. But I am not a mage. I am a fighter."
magical effects
      "For example, I simply teach a combination of physical and mental exercises which increases one's intelligence. This, in turn, gives one an advantage if one desires to practice magic."
      "Thou shouldst be aware, however, that magic is not working in Britannia these days. It is a dying phenomenon. No one understands why. Nevertheless, my training should increase any magic user's primary chances for casting a spell, as well as their fighting skill."
      "Although I am a fighter, I have dedicated my life to peace. There has been too much fighting in the world as it is. Let history take care of the adversarial qualities which exist in man. I believe in using my skills as a deterrent."
      "My fee for training is 75 gold. Does this meet with the approval of thy purse strings?"
      Denby bows. "I am sorry my fee is too high for thee. Perhaps at another time thou wilt realize the value of my services."
      Denby puts his palms together and bows.


來到Center Avenue的友誼會總部(National Branch)。


      You see a rotund older gentleman, who is at once humble yet dignified. His gentle eyes exude caring for his fellow person.
      "My name, good friend, is Batlin. And indeed it is truly a privilege to meet the Avatar in the flesh."
      "I was once a druid. Now I am the leader and the originator of The Fellowship. It is rapidly growing throughout Britannia and keeps me very busy, as thou canst well imagine. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Elizabeth and Abraham
      "Ah, my good colleagues Elizabeth and Abraham were just here. They left this morning for Minoc on Fellowship business. They deal with the distribution and collection of founds."
      "The Fellowship was formed twenty years ago with full approval and support of Lord British. It is a society of spiritual seekers who strive to reach the highest levels of human potential and share this knowledge freely with all people."
      "The Fellowship advances the philosophy of sanguine cognition, a way to apply a positive order of thought to one's life through what is called the Triad of Inner Strength."
sanguine cognition
      "We strive to avoid the mistakes made mystics and sages since the dawn of time. They apply the standards of the past, such as the virtues, for example, to qualify the present, and thus they do not perceive it correctly. We seek to examine our present lives each on our own terms and see the world the way it is."
      "They are perfectly adequate for those who feel that they still need them for whatever reason. But no one, not even thyself, thou must admit, Avatar, can fulfill them perfectly. Therefore they are a philosophy that is ultimately based upon failure. We have never claimed that our teachings are a substitute for the virtues. However, ours is a belief that is based upon success, not failure."
      "The Triad of Inner Strength is simply three basic values that, when applied in unison, enable one to be more creative, satisfied and successful in life."
      "The three values of the Triad of Inner Strength are Strive For Unity, Trust Thy Brother and Worthiness Precedes Reward."
      "When we say Strive For Unity, it is simply our way of expressing how the people of Britannia should all cooperate and work together. A worthwhile sentiment, I am certain thou wouldst concur."
      "What The Fellowship means by this is that people are all the same and the world is, generally speaking, a supportive, nurturing place. The trust we place in each other is like the pinions that hold our society together. Quite true, wouldst thou not say?"
      "Allow me to explain the meaning of Worthiness Precedes Reward. Each one of us seeks something which we desire from life and we must strive to be worthy of that which we seek. It would be difficult for thee to disagree I am quite sure."
Meditation Retreat
      "It is a retreat from the pressures and distractions of everyday life where new members of The Fellowship may go and study the philosophies of The Fellowship. It is located on an island east of Serpent's Hold."
      "Only active or potential Fellowship members are privy to the concept of 'the voice'. I can tell thee more when thou dost take the Fellowship test."
      "Oh, art thou ready to join The Fellowship?"
      "Ah, but first things first. I recommend that thou takest our Examination to determine if thou art truly in need of The Fellowship's teachings. Dost thou want to take the test?"
      "These questions are all hypothetical. Do not let them confuse or upset thee."
      "Question One: Thou art feeling depressed right now. Is it more likely because - A: Thou hast disappointed a friend, or B: A friend has disappointed thee?"
A: I disappointed a friend
      "I can tell from thine answer that thou art a person who takes their responsibilities to others very seriously, and perhaps tends to put too much pressure on oneself to please others." Batlin smiles and nodes.
      "Question Two: Thou art at a feast hosted by a very high-ranking local official. Thou dost believe the food he has ordered to be served is little more than swill, and thou dost notice that the other guests certainly think so. When thine host asks if thou dost like the food, dost thou A: tell the truth, or B: lie to him?"
A: Tell the truth
      "Thy response shows thou art a bluntly honest person, who mayest occasionally say things that people may not like hearing, but thine intentions are noble ones." Batlin makes a sweeping gesture with his hand.
      "Question Three: Thou hast taken the last room available at an inn. Upon entering it thou dost find that it is filthy. It is the middle of the night, there is no one to clean it and there is nowhere else to stay. Dost thou A: clean up the room thyself, at least somewhat, before reposing in it, or B: dost thou just go to sleep, letting the room remain as thou hast found it?"
A: Clean the room myself
      "Thou hast revealed that thou art a person who instinctively believes they are responsible for anything that goes wrong and that it falls to thee to put the whole world right." Batlin sighs.
      "Question Four: At a festive gathering thou dost tell a humorous anecdote, and thou dost tell it very well, creating much amusement. Didst thou tell this comedic story because A:thou didst enjoy the response that thou didst receive from thine audience, or B: because thou didst want to please thy friends?"
B: I wanted to please friends
      "Thine answer shows thou art a person who instinctively feels unworthy of having friends. Thou must continuously buy their attentions by amusing them." Batlin frowns slightly.
      "Question Five: If thou wert to become a person of leisure, one who had amassed a fantastic fortune of wealth, would it most likely be because A: thou hadst discovered an infallible method of stealing the money of others, or B: thou hadst discovered an infallible method of illicitly duplicating the coin of the realm?"
B: I duplicated the coin
      "From Question Five we learn that thou art a person who instinctively believes that they are incapable of achieving success, at best only presenting the illusion of success." Batlin slowly shakes his head.
      "Question Six: While travelling thou dost find a man in terrible pain. His arm has been grievously injured. A healer tending to him tells thee that the man's arm will have to be removed and that he will require thine assistance to do it. The man says he will recover from his injury and asks thee not to let the healer amputate his arm. Dost thou A:heed the words of the healer, or B: respect the wishes of the injured man?"
A: Heed the healer
      "By thine answer thou art a person who believes in mercy even when it is not an easy thing, and a person who tries to have the courage of thy convictions." Batlin gives thee a knowing look.
      "Question Seven: Thou hast just killed a small dog by throwing a rock at it. Is it more likely that thou hast done this because A: the dog was going to attack thee, or B: the dog was going to attack someone else?"
B: It was to attack another
      "This question tells is that thou art an overly aggressive person. Thou dost need to stop trying to solve all of thy problems through violence." Batlin strokes his chin thoughtfully.
      "Question Eight: Thou art in a boat with thy betrothed and thy mother. The boat capsizes. In the choppy waters thou canst only save thyself and one other person. Who dost thou save from drowning, A: thy betrothed, or B: thy mother?"
B: My mother
      "While risking thy life to save the life of thy mother is admirable, I cannot help but wonder if thou mightest have a problem getting along with the opposite gender as thou wouldst simply let thy betrothed drown." Batlin shrugs.
      "Thou art a person of strong character, Avatar, but one who is troubled by deep personal problems that prevent thee from achieving thy true potential for greatness. In short, thou art precisely the type of person for which The Fellowship was created."
      "I welcome thee to our fold. Know that the path of the Triad is not an easy one but its rewards are bountiful. I will, of course, waive the usual sabbatical of study that is required before one achieves membership. Thou art, after all, the Avatar."
      "However, as one of our tenets prescribes, Worthiness Precedes Reward. Thou must embark on a task or two for The Fellowship before thou can be properly inducted and receive thy medallion."
      "I need thee to deliver this sealed package unopened to Elynor, the leader of our Fellowship branch in Minoc. Elynor will reward thee upon receiving it, thou dost have my word. May I trust thee to do it?"
      "Excellent! Here it is. Thou must now be on thy way!"



The stone pedestal should be four feet high, three feet wide and two feet deep. Atop each of the three pedestals shall be set the three receptacles: the tetrahedron, the sphere, and the cube.

All of these items for the defense mechanism of the portal have already been constructed by the Trinsic blacksmith.



Once the construction is complete, store the blackrock in the hold of The Crown Jewel.




      You see a filthy beggar who flashes you a grin as though you were his best friend in the whole world.
      "I am called Snaz."
      "I have no job for I am a beggar. For a gold coins I shall tell thee a joke."
      "When I was just a little boy I was made an orphan and left homeless and penniless. That was a joke life played on me. 'Tis a funny joke, eh? But I would not charge thee a gold piece for that one."
tell a joke
      "Dost thou wish to hear one?"
      "All right, here is one..."
Fellowship joke
      "I was discussing philosophy with a Fellowship member the other day and he asked me, 'What, in thine opinion, is the height of stupidity?."
      "So I said, 'I do not know. How tall art thou?'"
     "No, really, I make sport of The Fellowship, but I mean it sincerely..."
      "That is what I dearly love The Fellowship. They could always take a joke!"
      "And from what I hear they play funny jokes themselves! Like the joke they played in Trinsic!"
Lord British joke
      "For a gold I will tell thee another. Dost thou wish to hear it?"
      "I was at the castle of Lord British the other day and I noticed he has three large pools. So I asked why he doth have three of them."
      "He pointed to the first one and said the first was to swim in cool water."
      "The second was for friends to swim in warm water."
      "I noticed that the third pool was empty and I asked him why."
      "He said that it was for people who could not swim!"
Lord British
      "Poor Lord British! When faced with a gigantic menace that threatens his entire kingdom he is an extremely capable ruler."
      "But what happens when there are a myriad of smaller things that all threaten the welfare of his people indirectly?"
      "There is a riddle for thee to solve!"
Weston joke
      "For a gold coins I will tell thee another. Dost thou wish to hear it?"
      "A man named Weston came to me deep in perplexity."
      "He told me he wanted to steal some apples from the Royal Orchards but if he did he would feel bad about it in the morning."
      "So I gave him this advice -- sleep until noon!"
      "Weston now sits in the castle prison, where he shall most certainly rot for the rest of his life. Heh-heh-heh!"
      "Try as I might, I cannot best that little jest!"
mage joke
      "For a gold coins I will tell thee another. Dost thou wish to hear it?"
      "Whilst travelling on the road I came across a mage."
      "He looked as if he had not eaten for days and complained of terrible pain in his stomach."
      "So I told him his stomach was empty. If he put something in it he would feel better."
      "Later he complained to me of a headache. I said his headache was caused by a similar problem as his stomach."
      "No doubt it did hurt him so because, being a mage, there was nothing left in it!"
      "All of the mages have gone daft or mad! What other proper response is there in a world that is so terrifically funny?!"
Sullivan joke
      "Thou art a brave Avatar! Dost thou wish to hear another?"
      "Didst thou knowest that the notorious Sullivan the Trickster recently became a father?"
      "It is true! They say the baby has his father's eyes and his mother's nose, but they made the baby give them back."
      "Yes, I know the man they call Sullivan the Trickster! In fact thou dost remind me of him!"
      "Or does he remind me of thee?"
      "He is so tricky that just talking about him has caused me to trick myself! Heh-Hee-Haa!"
gold joke
      "I have amused thee so far! Wouldst thou like to hear another? It is a joke about gold!"
      "Thank thee very much! Now, goodbye!"
      "Dost thou get it? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! If not, it would be my pleasure to repeat it."
      "Wouldst thou like to hear the gold joke again?"
      "Now listen carefully..."
      "Thank thee very much! Now, goodbye!"
      "Dost thou get it? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! If not, it would be my pleasure to repeat it."
      "Wouldst thou like to hear the gold joke again?"
      "I see thou art becoming wise to the ways of show business, milord. Good day to thee!"


來到旁邊的皇家博物館(Royal Museum)見到館長。


      This is a bright woman who looks much younger than she actually is.
      "Well! Thy reputation precedes thee! The Avatar in person! Word has spread that thou wert in Britain!"
      "My name is Candice," she says brightly. "I must say I am honored to meet the Avatar!" She curtsies.
      "I am the curator of the Royal Museum."
      "Feel free to ask about any of the exhibits."
      "I spend the rest of my time working with The Fellowship."
Royal Museum
      "It has been in Britain for many, many years. It contains historical artifacts, as well as works of art."
      "There are relics from early Britannia and even from the Three Ages of Darkness -- back when Britannia was known as Sosaria."
works of art
      "Britannia is proud of the artists who donate their works to the museum. Thou wilt see pieces all over the country by Britannian artists Watson, Richard Fox, Randi Frank, Glen Johnson, and Denis Loubet."
      "We have just opened a special section in which thou might be interested -- an exhibit of 'Avatar artifacts'!"
Avatar artifacts
      "Well, thou surely must recognize them. They are supposed to be authentic! Things like Silver Horn and the eight stones. I understand the stones were used for teleportation, and if mages were not so sick in the head these days, they could cast a 'Recall' spell on them to teleport to specific places around Britannia. I believe if one casts a 'Mark' spell on one, thou canst re-assign the teleportation location! But I suppose none of that works anymore."

      Iolo whispers to you, "Er, Avatar, thou dost know that I do not condone stealing. But, er, I do believe these stones may be useful to us. Perhaps we should back later when the museum is closed, if thou dost know what I mean? After all, these items technically belong to thee!"


      "We meet every evening at the Hall. Thou must come and visit!"
      "The Fellowship has given me a great purpose in life. I have made new friends, and have even found love!" She giggles. "Ooops ! I gave away my secret! I must not to speak of it. Do forget I said that, please?"
      "I want to attain a higher level of acceptance in The Fellowship. I want to hear the 'voice'. That is mine one true goal."
      "Dost thou not know? The longer one is a member of The Fellowship, the greater the chances that one will hear the 'voice'. Supposedly, it is a man's voice that thou wilt hear -- perhaps in thy dreams, perhaps while thou art concentrating on something else -- it is a voice that tells thee things, suggests things. I do not know, really. I have not heard it yet, so I am only speaking of what I have heard from others more fortunate than I."
      "What secret? I do -not- have a secret! It was a slip of the tongue. I cannot really speak to anyone about it. Why, if word got out that the Mayor and I... I mean, uhm, -may- I... er, ask thee to forget that I said anything?"
      Candice turns beet red and turns away.
      "Good day, Avatar."


左右兩側是The Runes Of The Virtues。
上方左邊是The Britannian Lens。
上方右邊是The Gargoyle Lens。
正中間雕像是Lord British。


房間裡左上方匾額:To summon the Silver Snakes。
左下匾額:Silver Horn once used bye the Gargoyles。
上方雕像:The Avatar。
右上項鍊:The Ankh Symbol of the Virtues。
右下物體:The Vortex Cube。


上方遺骸:The Bones of Zog : earliest Britannian fossil。
右上靴子:Swamp boots once worn by the Avatar。
鋼琴上方匾額:Manittzi's Harpsichord used while composing
鋼琴下方匾額:Anna of Spring。
右方桌上石頭:The Stones of Virtue。
右下槍枝:Lord British's Musket。


往右走到市政廳(Town Hall)。


      You see a noble man in his forties who looks like either a politician or a well dressed merchant.
      "Avatar! I was just alerted of thy presence in out fair city! I have been expecting thee!"
      "I am Patterson. Named after my father." He holds his handout, takes yours, and shakes it firmly. "It is such a pleasure to meet the Avatar!"
      "Why, I am the Town Mayor! The Town Mayor of Britain, that is! I would have thee know that mine election was an overwhelming victory! Mine opponent never had a chance!"
      "I am also President of the Britannian Tax Council."
      "It was held two years ago. I received 84 percent of votes. It was an impressive victory, I must admit."
      "Of course, when one has a group like The Fellowship behind them..."
      "My life has improved greatly since I joined. I find that mine honesty is impeccable, my leadership is unchallengeable, and my love for my wife is irreproachable."
      "Thou shouldst consider attending one of our meeting in the evening."
      "I am obviously the most honest person in Britain! Perhaps I should move to Moonglow! Ha!"
      "Her name is Judith. She's the music teacher at The Music Hall. Perhaps thou hast met her. We have a wonderful relationship."
      "Patterson's eyes widen and for a moment looks very nervous. But very quickly he regains his composure.
      "Candice? Why, she is a friend! A 'brother' at The Fellowship! That is all!"
Tax Council
      "The land must have some way of generating income. Taxes are the only solution. Every merchant and farmer is taxed. Anyone who works for a living is taxed."
      "The Britannian Tax Council has its main office in the Royal Mint."
      "He was an old farmer named Brownie. Didn't have much money to put into a campaign. Even the peasants didn't support him."
      "Did I say that? I certainly did not mean it. There is no class system in Britain anymore, nor in the entire country, for that matter! What I meant is that the 'peasantry', that is, those people who are not of superior lineage -- which is the type of man Brownie is -- -they- did not support him either. They knew who would be the best leader!"
      "Did I say that? I do not think I really meant that the way it sounded. What I meant to say was that there are people who come from families of better standing than others. And Brownie is not one of them! But do not misunderstand me -- I still maintain that the class system in Britannia has been abolished!"
      Patterson nods his head at you.



Bill of Underwater Scavenging and Cricket Playing

23568976.Y7, section 069

Whereby the participants belonging to the first party of the first team may also engage in supplementary treasure seeking within the bounds of two-hundred and thirty-nine feet from the docks.

Whereby the participants belonging to the second party of the second team may follow accordingly provided they use no handkerchiefs within the bounds of serven and one-half feet of the first party of the first part.

Be it known the second party of the first may not involve outside...


來到金色大道(Golden Way)的音樂廳(The Music Hall)。




      You see an attractive middle-aged woman with music in her eyes.
      "I am Judith. And I already know who thou art!"
      "I teach music at The Music Hall. I also fatten my purse at a bit by playing with The Avatars!"
      "Music is my life. I know I will never be a famous bard, but I receive great pleasure from playing and performing. I enjoy teaching as well."
      "It fulfills my life's purpose to teach others. It also gives me time away from home."
      "Oh, I do not want to speak about mine home. Mine husband and I... well, we are not altogether... happy."
      "Thou mightest know him. He is Patterson, the Town Mayor. He is an intelligent and honest man, but we have our differences."
      "I do not know why I am telling thee all of this!"
      "Well, for one thing, he is a member of that group, The Fellowship. Another thing is that he does not spend too much time at home. I cannot believe he works so much."
      "They seem to have taken over our lives. They seem to have taken over our country!"
      "He is always saying he has to work late. Some nights he comes home before dawn. Other nights he is out the entire night."
      "Well, I must not thing about it. I only become saddened. I must concentrate on my music."
Music Hall
      "Lord British appointed me music teacher a couple of years ago. It is a wonderful job!"
The Avatars
      "We are a singing group. We play at the Blue Boar every evening. Please come and hear us! My pupil, Neno, is in the group. We hope to tour the country next year, if we can raise the funds."
      Judith goes back to her instrument after a smile and a wave."




      You see a handsome and flamboyant musician.
      The musician nods at thou. "I am Neno."
      "I am studying to be the greatest bard that Britannia has ever known. I probably already -am- the greatest bard Britannia has ever known." You note that Neno is not at all modest.
      "It is a great honor to be a bard. Thou art someone who gives pleasure to other people, while at the same time fulfilling a creative urge within thyself. It is truly magical. I know this from mine experience playing with The Avatars."
The Avatars
      "'Tis a singing group I play with. We play at The Blue Boar every evening. Please, come listen to us." Neno leans in to whisper, "But I plan to begin performing alone very soon. I am obviously the most talented member of the quartet."
      "The Music Hall provides a great environment for study. Judith is a wonderful teacher, and the opportunities here are of the highest quality. One day I shall travel the world and entertain the common folk and nobles alike."
      "It is my dream to be famous throughout the land. I shall tour the country every year, and play in the largest pubs in every town." He winks at you. "I shall be assured of wooing the women, dost thou not think?"
      "Farewell! Thou must watch the postings for our performance dates!"


來到皇家劇院(Royal Theatre)。




      You can see the creativity literally flowing in abundance from this fellow. He looks at you with interest.
      "I am Raymundo."
      "Why, I am famous throughout the land! Hast thou not heard of me?"
      "-Really-!? I am surprised! But never mind..."
      "I am the Director of the Royal Theatre here in Britain. I am also Playwright-in-Residence. I compose a tune now and then as well. I sometimes act, but it is not wise to act in something that one directs."
      "We are working on a play at the moment."
Royal Theatre
      "'Tis a wonderful space, dost thou not think? 'Twas opened only last year, thanks to the sponsorship of a few wealthy citizens of our great city."
      "The construction of the actual theatre building was paid for by the Royal Mint, but the theatre company relies solely on the support of individuals such as thyself. Wouldst thou like to make a modest contribution of, say, ten gold pieces to our theatre company?"
      "I thank thee. Thou hast shown thyself to be a true patron of the arts and a person of culture and refinement."
      "Well, I am really not at liberty to divulge the names of our patrons. But most of them belong to The Fellowship."
      "These are people who contribute to our theatre. They come from all walks of life and have little in common besides a love of fine theatre."
      "For non-artists, they have given generous contributions to the theatre. They are -fine- people in my book!" He rubs his hands with glee.
      "I am not a member, though."
      "It's a little something I wrote entitled 'The Trials of the Avatar'. It's about a legendary figure in Britannian history." The artist looks you up and down.
      "Hmmm. Thou dost have a certain quality... hast thou ever acted on stage?"
      "Well, it does not matter. I am sure thou couldst quickly adapt."
      "Officially, auditions have closed and the play is already cast. However, we need someone to understudy the role of the Avatar. Wouldst thou like to audition?"
      "Excellent! What thou needest to do is to visit Gaye's Clothier Shoppe and purchase an Avatar costume. I can audition thee once I see thee in -proper- attire. Run along and do that, quickly now, I'm a busy man."




      This lovely actress is dressed in a mouse costume.
      "I am Amber."
      "I am an actress at the Royal Theatre. I am playing the role of Sherry the Mouse in the new play."
Royal Theatre
      "'Tis a lovely space in which to perform. I have dedicated my life to acting, thou knowest."
      "Actually, this will be my debut theatrical performance. I have been working as a barmaid waiting for my first chance to be in the theatre."
      "Raymundo himself had a hand in the design of the theatre."
      "Canst thou imagine such drivel? I do not believe there ever was a Sherry the Mouse. Who ever heard of a mouse that could talk! Especially these lines! I would rather play a queen. Much more fitting for me, I would say."
      "I have to memorize this preposterous children's story called 'Hubert's Hair-Raising Adventure'."
      "I asked Raymundo about this and he threw a tantrum. He said that it would not be historically accurate. Ha! As if that were something of any significance!"
      "Between thee and me, methinks the play stinks." She winks at you.
      "Poo Poo Head!" she cries. She then rushes to him and kisses him full on the mouth. Shamino turns red and shuffles his feet.

      "Not in front of the Avatar, Poo!"

      "To blazes with the Avatar!" She kisses him again. "The Avatar is the last one who will convince thee to settle down."




      This is a tall, skinny actor with knobby knees.
      "I am Jesse and I am a star."
      "I work at the Royal Theatre as an actor. I have played -all- the great roles in my career. I now have the chance to play the part of a lifetime -- the Avatar!"
Royal Theatre
      "Because it must cater to the masses, we never have the opportunity to do experimental works -- only the traditional gruel of mediocrity. But 'tis a wonderful space and it has marvelous acoustics."
      "People like to see tales of heroic adventures, knights in armour, beautiful princesses, wise kings, wizards, evil monsters. All that rot."
experimental works
      "My favorite piece is something Raymundo wrote for me entitled 'Three on a Codpiece'. I stand on stage and invite the audience to join me in tearing an undergarment into tiny pieces, after which they are placed in funeral urns and mixed with wheat paste. The pieces of cloth, not the audience members. Then the audience may glue the piece anywhere on my body that they wish."
      "The role is very challenging. I have a plethora of lines and I had to work with a trainer for weeks to prepare for the enormous amount of activity required. This role will make 'Jesse' a household name!"
      "It is easily the most ambitious theatrical production ever conceived. There is over a hundred hours of play time. That is a long time for an audience."
      "My biggest lines are:"
      "Goodbye. Be sure to come to the show when it opens!"




      This actor has much stage presence and a booming voice.
      "My real name is Stuart. My Stage name is Laurence."
      "'Tis the name of a particular hero of mine."
      "I am the greatest actor who ever lived," he proclaims with absolutely no modesty. "I am playing the character 'Iolo' in the new play."
      Stuart's feathers are obviously ruffled. "Yes, I have been cast as second banana yet again! I am much more suited to play the Avatar, but did Raymundo cast me? Noooo!"

      "But thou art nothing like me!"

      "And who art thou, pray tell?"

      "Why, I am the -real- Iolo!"

      "Of course thou art. And I am really Lord British. Thou must take me for an ass to think I would believe that."

      Your friend whispers to you. "These actor types. A touchy bunch, eh?"

      "I suppose he's a good director. He never casts me in the right roles, though. And to think I went to school with him! We were on our first stage crew together!"
      Stuart whispers to you, "Jesse is all wrong! Why, -thou- wouldst make a better Avatar than he! And -thou- probably couldst not act thy way out of a reagent bag! That is not a reflection on thee, but on Jesse."
      "Acting is the highest form of art. It allows one to step outside oneself and become another person. 'Tis like a game!"
      "Goodbye. Be sure to come to the show when it opens!"




      "Hello again, and what may I do for thee today?" ask Gaye.
      "Do not tell me! Raymundo sent thee to get an Avatar costume! They cost thirty gold coins. Dost thou want one?"
      She looks you up and down. "Yes, I think we might be able to find something for thee."
      After several minutes of rummaging through the store, Gaye returns. "Here it is! Not many left-- we have had a run on them recently!"
      "It is, indeed, a pleasure to do business with thee, O great Avatar!" She grins and hands you the costume.
      "Good day, milord."




      "Yes, yes?" Raymundo snaps. What dost thou want? I'm busy!"
      "I see thou art ready? Very well. Take center stage, wouldst thou?"
      Raymundo hands you a script and you take center stage. The lights feel hot on your face. Although you are a little nervous, you clear your throat and begin to read the lines on the page.
I -am- the Avatar!
      "No, no, no! That is all wrong! Thou art the 'Avatar'! Thou must feel like the Avatar! Thou must sound like the Avatar! Thou must -be- the Avatar! Try it again."
      "Jesse, hand our friend thy staff."

      "Here it is, milord."

      With the staff in hand, you try the lines once more. This time you feel like a true actor. The lines flow from lips as if the Avatar were really saying them. You feel an excitement you have never before felt. You like this 'acting' thing. You crave more! You anxiously await Raymundo's critique...
      Raymundo takes the staff and say, "Hmmmm. Yes, that's fine. I thank thee. Fine. We shall be in touch, yes? Thank thee for coming in. If thou hast a resume just leave it by the door, yes? Thank thee."


來到城堡大道(Castle Way)旁邊的遊樂場,竟然看到一隻老鼠帶著一群小孩玩耍。
右邊是石中劍(sword in a stone),前方匾額是:SEE IF THOU ART THE NEXT LORD OF BRITANNIA。
中間是木偶劇(puppet show),表演節目是Punch And Judy Show。
左方是力量測試機(strength tester),前方說明是:ART THOU AN AVATAR? TEST OF STRENGTH。




      You see a very large mouse with an air of superior intelligence.
      "Avatar!" she exclaims. "I cannot believe thou art here, Zidane!"
      "Why, dost thou not remember Sherry, Zidane?
      "I am trying to keep up with these children! We are playing tag through the castle! I must run! Talk to me later in the nursery!"




      You see a child that has recently grown into toddlerhood.
      The toddler is obviously deeply engaged in a game of tag and will not stop to speak.




      This is a cute toddler holding a baby doll.
      "Tag! Playing tag!"
      The toddler runs off in search of a nursery-mate.




      This toddler is full of energy and is playing hard when he sees you. He stops what he is doing.
      "Playing tag!"
     The boy runs away from you to catch another child.




      You see a flamboyant-looking gentleman. He is very cheerful and outgoing, greeting you with a smile and a wave.
      "From out the dawn, when sun doth rise."
      "Until next morn when moon must go."
      "I answer to thy beck and cries."
      "Thine humble servant, Carrocio!"
      "The puppet's curtain I unfurl,"
      "And from mine hands the story's told,"
      "For pleasure of a boy or girl,"
      "To see doth cost one coin of gold."
      "To take good measure of thy power,"
      "Forged in fire of virtue's heart,"
      "To ring the bell this very hour,"
      "Do test thy strength 'til thy muscles smart."
      "And perhaps impress thine own sweetheart!"
      Carrocio winks at you.
      "Or dost thou wish to be a king?"
      "Yonder sticks a sword in stone."
      "If thou canst only pull it out,"
      "Thou wilt be the next upon the throne!"
puppet show
      "My childhood's eye spied father's toil,"
      "A puppet's show of splendor royal."
      "Time's breeze has blown, my father's gone,"
     "His child has grown. Regrets anon,"
      Gears and wheels move the moppets now, in need of no one,"
      "And so I keep his carnival song playing on and on alone."
gears and wheels
      "I fear an end to my family craft, where the show is run by human heart,"
      "But bones do age, not so machines, and we cannot simply replace a part."
      "I carry on as best I can. A machine to play my father's role,"
      "Control the marionettes unseen, struggling to imbue them with a soul."
      "The faces pressed before me, fleeting moments chance of glee. From the lowly mongrel beggar to the resident of throne,"
      "Each know their place and gave me chase to find the one for me. Woman whom my life may share, this heart that waits alone."
mongrel beggar
      "A beggar man called Snaz will come to watch my show,"
      "to steal and sell all my best jokes, mine own personal foe."
resident of throne
      "Thine ignorance doth make me skittish,"
      "surely thou hast heard of wise Lord British."
      "The awakening of mine heart's idyll,"
      "Lies 'neath me for I see her still,"
      "No bard could e'er describe nor tell,"
      "The tenderness of my fair Nell."
      "'Tis said love is a fiery angel," 
      "Riding soft silk wings of pure redemption,"
      "My puppet's heart still as an anvil,"
      "At the wicked thrill of her attention."
      "By mine angel Nell I am anointed,"
      "Humble cowardice felled by Passion's blade,"
      "As her beloved I was hence appointed,"
      "Perchance through destiny a marriage made."
wicked thrill
      Carrocio looks as if he is lost in a memory. After a moment he returns to reality.
      "I would not be a gentleman if I spoke of this more. Forgive me the candor of mine heart's open door."
      He appears somewhat embarrassed and clears his throat loudly several times.
      "My coins are arrows rushing to make good,"
      "'Til the day when the jeweller sells his ring,"
      "For my sure heart is not but carved from wood,"
      "And she doth tend to the bed of a king."
strength test
      "Take the hammer in thine hands and strike a blow upon the ground,"
      "If thine arms be possessed of might then thou shalt hear a ringing sound."
      "Once thou hast struck if thou hearest naught then thou dost know thy strength is flagging."
      "But if thou dost win the strength test game thou shalt receive a stuffed dragon."
      "See foolish pride and love, brutality and sin, Carrocio's tiny world of moving dolls,"
      "Enough to make thee gasp, or cry or grin,"
      "All who wish to see 'tis time to hear my calls,"
      "For now the puppet show is about to begin!"
      "Perchance to find in mercy's ear. A voice to know as gentle friend,"
      "I bid thee well, but hark return. If thou wouldst see the puppet's play or test thy strength again."




      You see a man whose wrinkled face forms a caricature of grumpiness.
      "I am Figg."
      "I am the caretaker of the Royal Orchards here in Britain."
      "My responsibilities include caring for the trees, watching over the pickers at harvest time and protecting the Royal Orchard from thieves."
      "They would rob us down to the last twig if I gave them the chance! I should be awarded a medal from Lord British himself the way I risk my very life and limb protecting this orchard. Why, I just caught another thief recently. His name was Weston."
      "He now resides in the prison, thanks to me! I knew what he was up to from the moment I saw him! He had the look of a hardened apple thief so I had him nicked by the town guard."
     "Yes, Weston is now living in our local prison. If thou dost not believe me, thou canst go there and see for thyself!"
apple thief
      "Oh, he came here with some sob story. But when one is as astute an observer of human behavior as I am, one can tell the true intent of people, which is often contrary to what they will say to thee!"
sob story
      "I do not recall, exactly. Something about his impoverished wife and family starving to death in Paws or some load of rubbish."
      "Yes, I do consider myself to be a more than passable judge of character. And dost thou know how I became so?
      "Then I shall tell thee! I am a member of The Fellowship!"
      "The Fellowship is the philosophical group devoted to the teachings of a truly great man named Batlin. In the absence of the Avatar, Batlin has become a sort of spiritual father for the people of Britannia. Through his speeches and writings he has changed the lives of many people, including my own." 
Royal Orchards
      "Here are grown the finest apples in all of Britannia. I would let thee sample one but it would be against the law as thou art obviously not of noble stock."
      "Most of them are migrant farmers from Paws. Because they were once farmers, they are convinced they know more about the upkeep of the orchard than I! Of course that is preposterous. Also the pickers do not take orders very well."
      "Apple trees require constant care. I must make sure the trees all have enough water but not too much. I must keep all trees properly trimmed and be watchful so that the crop does not get infested by bugs or worms. I am also required to pick up all of the fallen apples, which is a job in itself."
      "I can see that thou shouldst be on thy way."




      You see a farmer who, despite showing considerable wear from hard work, appears energetic, cheerful and friendly.
      "I am Brownie."
      "Well, I ran for the office of Mayor of Britain once, but I lost. Now I am back doing what I have been doing since I was a boy. Working the farm."
      "Patterson won the election. He spent a lot of money on his campaign. Most of it to buy votes. But I am not bitter. I was just not meant to be Mayor."
      "Patterson courted the support of The Fellowship. They forced a vote from all their members. Once word spread, my support drained away. No one wants to be on the losing side." Brownie sighs.
      "If thou art not with The Fellowship thou art against them. I think they saw me as a potential enemy that had to be stopped."
      "Of course, I could have won the election if I had wanted to. I had information about Patterson that would have ruined any chances of him winning."
      "I could have revealed a secret about Patterson but if I did it would have hurt someone close to him very much. I did not want to be mayor that badly."
      "Patterson does little to hide his secret. If thou dost keep any eye on him thou wilt surely learn of it sooner or later."
      "I do not really have any wish to succeed in politics. It just made me ill seeing all of the people with riches mistreat all of the people who are poor, and then have to listen to them talk about how the class system has been abolished."
      "I feel more at home on the farm growing vegetables. There is another farmer named Mack who works a farm near Britain as well. He raises chickens."
      "I like him. He even voted for me. But to tell thee the truth about Mack, he is a lunatic."
      "I raise pumpkins. But I am in a bind at the moment and need some help."
      "I strained my back the other day lifting heavy pumpkins. I cannot so much as life a small one today! And I need help with the harvest of pumpkins so that I can get them to the market."
      "There are piles of pumpkins at the north end of the field. I need them brought down near my farmhouse. If thou wilt help me by bringing the pumpkins to me, I will gladly pay thee for thy work. How does one gold coin for every pumpkin carried sound?"
      "How nice! A helper! Please, feel free to start work at any time!"
      "Good day, milord."






      "Hello again, milord," Brownie greets you.
      "Excellent! Hast thou brought some pumpkins for me?"
      "Very good! Let me see how many thou dost have..."
      "Lovely! 27! That means I owe thee 27 gold. Here thou art! I shall take the pumpkins from thee now!"
      "Come back and work for me at any time!"




      You see a farmer with wild eyes widened in excitement.
      "I am Mack."
      "I am a farmer, though most folks just call me a lunatic."
      "Thou dost also think so, eh? But I tell thee what I say is true! There are creatures visiting us from another place in the stars! I have seen them!"
      "They are big mean ugly liontigers! Or is that tigerlions? They are ferocious and they want to eat us!"
another place
      "All I can say is that there are certainly no such creatures in this world! Nor is their ship like any that has ever been seen anywhere in Britannia."
seen them
      "With mine own eyes I have seen a star creature and the inexplicable conveyance which enabled it to travel to Britannia! I swear to thee! I am completely sane! I have proof!"
      "Go and look behind my farm in the middle of the field. Take a look for thyself and thou shalt see my proof."
      "On my farm I raise chickens and grow vegetables. If thou dost need work, talk to me!"
      "I need someone to work for me and help gather all the eggs being laid by the chickens! When big thing came crashing down it scared them all so much that they cannot stop laying eggs! Wilt thou work for me? I will pay thee 1 gold per egg."
      "Fine! Thou wilt find the chickens out back. Thou must feel around in the nest to find the eggs that are there. But there is a limit to how many they will produce in one day, of course."
      "I thank thee for thy decency and consideration."


依照Mack所說的話去他農田一趟,竟然在角落發現一艘奇怪的太空船(mysterious craft)。






      "Avatar! Thou hast returned!" exclaims Mack.
picked eggs
      "Excellent! Dost thou have some eggs for me?"
      "Very good! Let me see how many thou dost have..."
      "Lovely! 3! That means I owe thee 3 gold. Here thou art! I shall take the eggs from thee now!"
      "Come back and work for me at any time!"
      "I told thee I was not a looney! Didst thou see the proof?"
      "Did I not tell thee that I am no loonie? Still, my story of how I did come across this thing is beyond belief."
      "I like to stay up late. Sometimes I see bright lights flash across the sky. No one else ever pays them any mind. But one night I see this bright light come crashing down and it lands in my field."
bright lights
      "I always watch for moving bright lights in the night sky. That is part of why people in the town say I am a loonie. But is what I do so different from what they do in the orrery?"
      "After the explosion and crash I ran out to my field. There I saw the strange machine that thou hast seen, only it was glowing hot. I was terrified. But then the top of the machine started to open."
      "It resembled a bird, but it was not a bird!"
      "I could not move from the spot as I saw the strange ship open. From out of the top came the vicious tigerlion. There was a savage hunger in its eyes."
      "It came at me like a predator comes after prey. It was so fast that I could not even move. I thought I was going to be killed for certain. It reached me in a second. It looked into mine eyes, and then it died."
      "In other words, it looked like it might eat me!"
      "What it and I had failed to notice was that I was holding mine hoe. It had once been accidentally enchanted by a passing mage, and it works wondrously in the fields. I use it for everything! The tigerlion had run itself through upon it. As it died, the thing spoke."
      "It said two words. "Kill Wrathy." I do not know who this Wrathy person is, or why the tigerlion wanted me to kill him. But I do know I sure get worried now whenever I see moving lights in the night sky."
kill Wrathy
      "I am quite certain that was it, or something like that. Anyway the tigerlion itself proved to be quite delicious."
      "I am sure thou dost know about the plague of looniness that has come to afflict all of the mages in the world. It was several years ago that I brought my broken hoe to a mage called Mumb. Fixing things was all he was good for anymore. There was also some fighter who wanted Mumb to enchant his sword, turning it into "The Sword of Death." It appears poor Mumb got confused and that fighter came back and killed him because the man wound up with a sword that was only good for cutting weeds. I could never figure out exactly what happened. It appears that old Mumb made mine hoe into the Hoe of Destruction! Unfortunately, the hoe is lost."
      "Well, 'tis not really lost. It is locked up in my shed. It is the key to the shed that is lost! I think I might have accidentally used it as a fishhook when I was fishing on the banks of Lock Lake. So now I cannot get into my shed. One would think I -am- a looney!"
      "I thank thee for thy decency and consideration."




by Daheness Gon

      While handing chickens is a relatively easy task, as us collecting eggs, there are several pieces of information that will be of much use to the novice owner. For example, quite a number of hens have soft fluff on their underside which they developed as chicks, but never outgrew. As a result, the coarse straw of the nest tends to irritate their hide. As a result, many hens will bury their eggs beneath a thin layer of straw. This provides warmth that the egg is missing because the mother will not fully set herself down upon the egg.

      In addition, most hens do not lay their eggs as the same time as their sister hens. A hen must rest at the minimum three full hours before she will capable of producing another. And do not be concerned if more time is necessary for thy hens to create more of their offspring.



Mack遺失的鑰匙可以在鎖湖(Lock Lake)旁香蒲叢(cattails)下的魚屍身體裡(2 North 48 East)找到。


Mack庫房裡的毀滅之鋤(Hoe of Destruction)。




      Judith is busy performing with The Avatars and cannot speak at the moment.


      Neno is busy performance with The Avatars and cannot speak at the moment.


      Coop is onstage with The Avatars. He sees you and says, "Ohm, there is someone special listening tonight, and this next tune is dedicated to them."
      He signals to his partners and they begin to play. He signs the following lyrics:
      "Across the country we do fly -- Best to heed our battle cry!"
      "We fight for virtues, far and wide, And we cause the damsel's sigh."
      Then Neno and Judith join in on the chorus:
      "Oh, Avatars are we, And virtuous we doth be!"
      "Beware ye ogre and ye beast, Lest thou be served at our next feast!"
      "We rescue damsels, oh so fair, And battle pirates on a dare!"
      "No evil liche doth daunt or sway! Against them all we win the day!"
      "We are the Av-atars! We are the Av-atars! We are the Aaaa-Vaaa-Taaars!"
      The applause is tumultuous.


      "Hmmm. They must have seen thee coming, milord."




      The ceremony begins as Batlin stands before the gathered Fellowship members. The hall fills with thunderous cheers.
      They look at him with a mixture of awe and sheer adoration. Batlin stands and basks in the warm reception for a moment, a triumphant smile on his face. With a slight gesture of his hand the crowd becomes quiet.
      "It is good to see you here this evening!" Batlin says.
      "Surely you make me feel proud to be part of what we lovingly call The Fellowship." There is another eruption of applause.
      "In thine heart be glad for thou dost walk with The Fellowship! The people of Britannia live in a fevered state of illusory thoughts and emotions. But those whom I look upon here tonight are seekers of what is good and true in the world! They walk the path which leads to becoming truly cognizant. But how dost thou find thy way? Ask any Fellowship member and they will tell thee! The path to complete awareness is easy to find. One must apply to one's life the Triad of Inner Strength."
      "The Triad of Inner Strength is a series of three values that can bring the mind to a perfect state of sanguine cognition. The first value is Strive For Unity. When the totality of the people of the world want to accomplish something, then it becomes done. Thus once the people of the world all strive towards the same ends there is nothing that is impossible. Just think of it! A world where any dream can be fulfilled, any good can be achieved. But as thou canst see plainly by looking at our own sad society, when the people of the world are disunited, it is a miracle that anything gets accomplished!"
      "The second value is Trust Thy Brother. Thou must surrender thy fear prejudice and suspicion. Look to thine own self! Before thou dost question anything, question thyself! The world is a place where the balances of nature are at work to protect thee every second without thee even realizing it! What canst thou accomplish in this world if thou dost spend all thy time questioning thy brother?! Is he working as hard as I? What are his true motivations? As thou dost waste thine energies wondering, he sees thee and starts wondering these same things about thee. Thus is the world diminished!
      "The third value is Worthiness Precedes Reward. There is not one among us who is without desire. Much of the misery in the world can be traced to unfulfilled desires. But one moment! Why dost thou deserve what thou dost desire? Most people get what they are worthy of in this life. If thou art not worthy of thy desire then thou shouldst not be surprised if thy desires are unfulfilled. If thou dost become worthy only then hast thou become open to fulfilling thy desire. Desire is a strange thing. Many long for things they do not really want. What they really desire is worthiness itself!"
      "I have just told thee all that thou dost need to follow the Triad Of Inner Strength. The lessons are simple. The true measure of thine understanding comes in how absolutely thou wilt apply them to thy life. Thou now knowest all thou wilt ever need. Thou dost not need the arcane knowledge of the dying art of magic. Thou dost not need the unsure hand of the healer and his limited knowledge. All that thou wilt ever need is to continuously seek out the best in thyself and to live amongst those that would do the same. Only then art thou truly walking with The Fellowship."
      "Now I think would be a good time to hear the words of our fellow members. To hear them share with us how The Fellowship has been bringing positive change to their lives."

      "The Fellowship has shown me that I was afraid of myself and that I had to open myself up to life's experiences," says Candice.

      "The Fellowship helps me be more honest with people," says Patterson.

      "Thank thee for sharing, Patterson."

      "The Fellowship has taught me how to better perform my duties as the Caretaker of the Royal Orchards," says Figg.

      "The Fellowship has taught me to, first and foremost, treat people with respect," says Gaye.

      "After joining The Fellowship I learned how to be a man's man," says Grayson.

      "The Fellowship is helping me back from the brink of personal and financial oblivion," says Gordon.

      "Right thou art, brother!"

      "The Fellowship has freed me from the illusory appeals of mediocrity," says Sean.

      "In The Fellowship I am learning that I need to devote my life to a special purpose," says Millie.

      "This whole ceremony and everyone in it doth give me the willies!"

      "'Tis a sad thing to see so many people who have nothing else better in their lives than blindly following this dubious spiritual leader."

      "'Tis sad thing that Britannia has fallen so far as to leave itself open to a group like this Fellowship."

     From watching Batlin and others you get the feeling that the Fellowship ceremony is going to last long into the night.
      Now would be a good moment to slip away without drawing much attention to yourself...



      Candice looks guilty about something. She gives you a little wave, but says nothing. She looks at Patterson, hoping that he will do the talking.


      "Avatar! Er, uhm, how art thee? Oh, dost thou know Candice, the curator at the Royal Museum? She is a 'brother' at The Fellowship. I was, er, just seeing her home!"


      "Hmmm. And does thy wife know thou art seeing Candice home?"


      "Why, she doth not need to know! It does not matter! 'Tis nothing, really!"
      The Mayor is sweating profusely. He looks at you with beady eyes. He knows he has been found out. His body slumps. He is mortified and ashamed.
      "Thou hast discovered my... our secret. Please do not tell Judith. I... will end this. I swear. Candice -- we must stop meeting. I... I'm sorry."
      You decide to leave Patterson and Candice to work out what has happened, and you hope that the Mayor has learned something about honesty.


去旅館過夜,隔天一早進城去找Lord British。

