
"Hello again, Zidane!" Nastassia says.Ariana
"Yes, she was my great-great-grandmother. I understand that she actually met the Avatar and he made a profound impact on her life.""It is odd, but thou dost resemble the portraits I have seen of the Avatar."
I am the Avatar
Nastassia studies your features, "Somehow I knew it. It hath been said that thou wouldst return."Julius
"Thou dost know of my father? I suppose the townsfolk have been talking again. I wish I had known him. There is something within me that yearns for some news of him. Anything at all."Nadia
"My mother. She died horribly, and by her own hand. That is the true reason I pay homage to this Shrine. I hope someday to provide her with the means to rest in peace."Yew
"My father died in the Great Forest there. Some wild animal or something killed him. Art thou perhaps travelling to Yew?"Yes
"Oh, Zidane, I do wish thou wouldst try to find out something about my father. How did he die? What happened? Please! Wilt thou search for the truth and come back and tell me?"Yes
"Bless thee! I shall be waiting here for thee."Unexpectedly, Nastassia pulls your head down to hers and kisses you on the mouth.
You kiss Nastassia's lovely mouth again. She responds."No man hath done that as well as thee."
She looks at you with wide eyes.
"Do it again, milord."
kiss again
You kiss Nastassia yet again. This time your bodies press together tightly, and you know this promises to be more than a fleeting fling with some tavern wench.kiss again
You kiss Nastassia and she moans.bye
"Goodbye." She kisses you again, and then turns so that she will not see you leave.短期間內還沒有去紫杉村(Yew)的打算,反正看樣子娜絲薩雅(Nastassia)應該也不會跑掉了,那就繼續原訂行程,以後如果有經過時再抽空幫她探聽父親的消息吧...