先繞道去位於不列顛王巷(Lord British Lane)的皇家鑄幣場(Royal Mint)找辛西亞(Cynthia),聊聊她丈夫的事。

You see a helpful and efficient-looking woman.
"My name is Cynthia."
"James is mine husband and I am very worried about him. I know he is feeling very unhappy lately and he dislikes his job. If thou dost speak to him please tell him that even though we have not been speaking very much lately, that I am still think of him and that I still care about him."
"I am the teller at the Mint. I am also a member of the Britannian Tax Council."
Britannian Tax Council(大不列顛稅務評議會)
"The Britannian Tax Council is in charge of the accounting, assessment and collection of the taxes. If thou wilt be earning any money here in Britannia thou will need to take this paper."
"Fill it out and return it here at the end of the year when thou dost come back to pay thy taxes."
"Here at the Mint we store gold, oversee production of coins and keep an accurate count of how much money the kingdom has available for such things as farming, building the roads, developing sources of fresh water, seeing to the health of the citizenry, maintaining the estates of nobles, raising the guard militia and carrying out the decrees of Lord British."
"As I am certain thou dost know, the seven year drought, which thankfully ended several years ago, has left much of the farming in the Kingdom in disarray. That is why the cost of food is so expensive. But without the support of the Royal Treasury, the prices would be even higher."
"The increased use of wagons has caused many of the roads throughout Britannia to rapidly deteriorate. It costs a lot of money to build new roads and keep them all repaired."
"It is of the utmost importance to the Kingdom to insure its populous a clean water supply, and that requires a regular supply of new and fresh wells."
"As Britannia's population has greatly increased in the last two hundred years, so has the risk of infectious diseases, such as the mysterious skin deterioration that afflicts those who partake in the venom of the silver serpent. The number of healers that the kingdom needs has risen dramatically."
"The local Lords and Mayors all have residences that are maintained through the auspices of the Kingdom."
"The military training is conducted at Serpent' Hold, where the guards that protect all of the towns and cities of Britannia are instructed. 'Tis funded by the Royal Treasury."
"In order to keep the standard of money constant, we also operate as an exchange for those who possess quantities of gold. We supply the equivalent value of their gold in spendable coin of the realm and then transform the gold we receive into more money. So, as thou canst see, it is a very efficient system."
"It not only applies to gold but it also applies to all minerals. We oversee the sale and rate of exchange for precious ores extracted by the Britannian Mining Company. But we do not handle the sale of gems. There is a jeweler in town who handles that."
"Dost thou have some gold that thou wouldst like to exchange?"
"We can exchange thy gold nuggets and bars into spendable coins for thee. I will give thee ten gold coins for each gold nugget and one-hundred gold coins for each gold bar."
"And here are 600 gold coins for thee in return, milord. I thank thee for thy business."
"Good day, milord."
BRITANNIAN TAX COUNCIL TAX DECLARATION To insure the proper record-keeping of thine income and spending, first replicate in triplicate the files numbered 37-A through 1204-W of the forms. Following each copy, compile the aggregate number of expenditures and multiply by tables 3, 69, 106. The next involves... |


"What must I do for thee now, milord?" asks James.
Cynthia said
"You repeat the words that Cynthia had said to you about him. A smile comes across his face. "Aww, who wants to be a pirate anyway? I would hate that!" With he goes back to wiping the bar, but you notice that the smile is still there.
"Oh, thou shalt just come back again wanting something else from me! I just know it!"