
You see a very clean-looking, portly young man who waves at you frantically.
"My given name is Wilhelm, although no one calls me that. I prefer to be addressed as Willy. Thank thee very much."
"我的教名是威廉,雖然沒有任何人這麼稱呼我。 我比較喜歡被稱做威利,非常感謝。"
"I am the baker here in Britain and I make the sweetest bread thou hast ever tasted!"
"Hast thou had a chance to sample any of my bread yet?"
"Then here, thou must have some!" He tears a piece of bread off of one of several loaves he is carrying and stuffs it into your mouth.
"There! Is it not the sweetest bread thou hast ever tasted? It is, is it not?" You chew as fast as you can in order to answer him.
He grabs your face by the cheeks and plants a big kiss on your forehead. "Thou art truly a person of good palate and refined taste!"
He nods. "Yes, I am a baker and I have many secret recipes passed down to me by my father and mother. Why, there are even those who say I am a master baker!"
"And there are those who call me a... doughnut," he says with a frown.
secret recipes(秘密配方)
"Oh, dear. Do not tell me that thou art yet another person who is trying to pry one of my secret recipes out of me! If that is what thou art after then thou wilt just be disappointed!"
master baker(麵包大師)
"Yes, many people tell me that. Now thou dost say it, too. If thou dost say so, then it must be true!"
Willy takes a bite of his own bread. "Mmmm. I -am- a master baker!"
He gives you a long puzzled look. After a moment he takes one of his loaves of bread and swats you over the head with it.
father and mother(父母)
Willy wipes away a tear. "Gone. Both of them. Gone to join mine ancestors in that great kitchen in the sky. I will never be able to cook as they did. Still I plod along, trying to keep the family name alive, and that is why I am a baker. But I suppose it is not the only reason."
"Actually, there is a very good reason why I am a baker."
"Because the way to a woman's heart is through her stomach. Why, I have two women in love with me right now and I did not even have to pursue either one."
two women(兩位女士)
He sighs. "If thou must know, their names are Jeanette and Gaye."
"Jeanette is a pleasant enough girl, but to be honest I cannot see myself with a tavern wench. She thinks I have not noticed how she feels about me. Frankly, I wish she would just leave me alone."
"Gaye, who runs the costume shoppe, is of more interest to me. But she is a Fellowship member and I have no wish to become one. I hope that it does not prevent us from courting."
"My bread is the finest in Britannia. It is renown for both its pleasant taste and its very reasonable price. But it is a lot of work making enough to satisfy the constant demand for it. I need to hire someone to help me."
"Thou couldst work for me here in the shoppe making bread. Or I will buy sacks of flour from thee. Thou couldst buy them wholesale in Paws, and I will pay thee 4 gold per sack."
"Dost thou wish to work here in the shoppe for me?" Willy asks hopefully.
"'Tis a pity thou art unavailable. Thou dost look like one who doth know their way around a kitchen."
"I not only have bread for sale, but pastries, cakes and rolls as well. The most delicious baked goods thou couldst ever wish to pop into thy mouth! Wouldst thou like to buy some?"
"What wouldst thou like to buy?"
‧bread(麵包) | 4G |
‧cake(蛋糕) | 3G |
‧rolls(捲餅) | 4G |
‧pastry(糕餅) | 3G |
"Good day to thee, milord, and bon appetit!"


"Hello again, and what may I do for thee today?" asks Gaye.
"Yes, he is a very amusing fellow. I am quite taken with him and I do see him against my better judgment. He does not seem like the type to join The Fellowship, though. Since The Fellowship is my whole life, I do not know if there is a place in it for him. I have not made up my mind about that yet."
"Good day, milord."