
"Avatar! Oh Avatar! I have news!"
"Garritt, my son, told me that Tobias was in possession of some silver snake venom. I went to investigate and found Tobias with it!"
"I have often said that Tobias was no good. Now here is proof. He is the thief that has been praying upon one of our honest merchants! And to think I let him come into contact with my son! I hope he shall be dealt with a manner appropriate to one who is leading youth astray from the way of The Fellowship."
"I suggest that thou go and speak with his mother at once! Camille should keep a tighter rein on her offspring!"


"Avatar! My son Tobias has been wrongly accused! He is no thief! And I cannot believe a vial of venom was found in his possession. I truly believe it was planted there! Please -- I beg thee! Please clear my son's name. He has done no wrong!"
"聖者!托拜斯是被冤枉的!他不是小偷!而且我不相信他會被發現藏有一瓶毒液。我相信這當中有陷阱!求求你, 我乞求你!請洗刷我兒子的清白,他沒作錯事!"
"I know my son Tobias has suffered for not having a father. I have tried my best on mine own to raise him well, but this farm requires so much work that I fear I do not have enough time to devote to him. But I know in mine heart that my son is not a thief."
"Might I suggest that thou speak with Morfin again. He may have recognized signs of usage of this foul substance in other members of the village."
"That man Feridwyn knows that I do not trust The Fellowship, and for that he considers me his personal enemy. I do not know why he would seek to attack me through my son but he must not be allowed to succeed.""菲德溫這個人知道我不相信友誼會,因此他把我當成是他的仇人。我不知道他為什麼要透過我的兒子攻擊我,但這一定不會成功的。"
"I do not care what Feridwyn says! My son is no thief!"
"I know my son. I know that he is growing up unhappy. But I cannot believe that he would steal things." "我瞭解我兒子,我知道他的成長過程並不快樂,但我不相信他會偷東西。"
"He is basically a good boy. He works hard and misses his father."
"Pleasant journey, Avatar."


"What dost thou want?" Tobias asks.
"I do not know anything about the stolen venom. I am falsely accused!"
falsely accused(冤枉)
"That is right! Garritt did it. I just know it. He was in my room the other day when I came in from the fields. He said he was looking for a ball, but I do not believe him. Thou canst believe me or not, I do not care. But if thou art truly the Avatar, thou wilt know I am telling the truth."
"Be on thy way then, o great and wise Avatar."


"A pleasant day to thee, milord," says Garritt.
"I have said it a thousand times. Tobias is weak of character! He and his mother are poor because they are lazy. Now I am proven right because Tobias is a thief. A thief who has been caught!"
"Goodbye, then."


"Beg thy pardon, milord," Fenn says.
"I know that boy Tobias is innocent of any wrong doing, no matter what Feridwyn and his Fellowship says."
"Good fortune to ye, milord."


"Greetings, Zidane." says Morfin.
Tobias stole venom(托拜斯偷走了蛇毒)
"I am not sure Tobias was the one who stole the venom. I have not seen any of signs of venom use in Tobias and I am quite familiar with its symptoms. But, now that I think about it, I have noticed that Garritt has appeared very tired lately. He seems hyperactive one moment and unhealthy the next."
"Perhaps thou shouldst make a search of Garritt's belongings! Which reminds me-- I saw him earlier playing near the slaughterhouse. He dropped this key. Perhaps it opens something... significant."
"也許你該去檢查一下甘提的所有物!這讓我想起 -- 早一點我有看到他在屠宰場附近玩耍,他掉下這把鑰匙,也許這可以打開某些東西...嘿。"
"Here it is."
"Good day to thee."