THE DAY IT DIDN'T WORK by R. Allen G. This collection of essays details the difficulties in overseeing a group of well-meaning misfits in a mechanical environment -- especially when the overseer is a misfit, as well! |
NO ONE LEAVES by R. Allen G. The sequel to THE DAY IT DIDN'T WORK. This short tome offers insight to why new mechanical contraptions don't always function at the time agreed upon between mechanician and overseer, despite how constructed they may appear. In addition, the work discusses how to handle presenting the complaints to the tinkerers who worked on them, and how to persuade them to finish the work regardless of how tired they are and how late in the evening it is. |
NO WAY TO JUMP by Desmonth Herein lies the compilation that discusses various elements found in adventure stories. In addition to an evaluation of their literary worth, one essay demonstrates how to apply such elements in other styles. |
UP IS OUT by Goodefallow Herein is discussed the most current theories on gravity and mass. After years of study and research, the author finally put the fruits of his labor down in the pages of this tome, which includes his discussion on falling apples. |
HOW TO CONQUER THE WORLD IN THREE EASY STEPS by Maximillian the Amazingly Mean Found within are the ravings of a deranged meglomaniac cleric, describing his plans for the domination of Britannia. ...and after I have acquired the Vas Corp spell, there will be no one to defy me, for all will fear my casting of the spell. Even the loft Lord Brit, himself, will offer his obeisance to me... |

LORD BRITISH The biography of Britannia's longtime ruler by K.Bennos ...While many may remember that Lord British was once but one of eight monarchs (back when the lands were known as Sosaria), few are aware that he is not even a native of our own lovely Britannia. His origin is from another world, one from which he entered ours by way of a red moongate (In face, it is through this same type of gate that the Avatar of legend purportedly enters Britannia.) As ruler of one of the eight kingdoms, he was instrumental in selecting a champion to face Mondain, Minax, and Exodus. When the terrible machine, Exodus, was defeated, 'twas Lord British behind whom all the people of Sosaria rallied. The unified land become known as Britannia, with Lord British as the sole monarch. Though never let it be said he rules with a tyrannical hand. His reign gas always been one of Truth, Love, and Courage, supported by his utmost belief in the eight virtues. It was Lord British who had the insight to call forth a quest for the Avatar (whom also happened to be the champion from the days of Sosaria), and who gave prosperity and happiness unto the people. Then came his mysterious disappearance, when the Stranger who became the Avatar was called by his companions to aid in the search for the lost monarch. Note how Lord Blackthorn, affected by the Shadowlords, quickly turned Britannia's fair lands into a place of terror. But find our noble Lord the Avatar did, and Britannia was restored its former, peaceful state. Then came the gargoyles, and our honorable sovereign thoughtfully requested the return of the Avatar... |
KEY TO THE BLACK GATE. The pages bound within this book contain well-documented clue information from the invaluable sources at Origin Systems. |










