

來到旁邊的皇家博物館(Royal Museum)見到館長。


      This is a bright woman who looks much younger than she actually is.
      "Well! Thy reputation precedes thee! The Avatar in person! Word has spread that thou wert in Britain!"
      "My name is Candice," she says brightly. "I must say I am honored to meet the Avatar!" She curtsies.
      "I am the curator of the Royal Museum."
      "Feel free to ask about any of the exhibits."
      "I spend the rest of my time working with The Fellowship."
Royal Museum
      "It has been in Britain for many, many years. It contains historical artifacts, as well as works of art."
      "There are relics from early Britannia and even from the Three Ages of Darkness -- back when Britannia was known as Sosaria."
works of art
      "Britannia is proud of the artists who donate their works to the museum. Thou wilt see pieces all over the country by Britannian artists Watson, Richard Fox, Randi Frank, Glen Johnson, and Denis Loubet."
      "We have just opened a special section in which thou might be interested -- an exhibit of 'Avatar artifacts'!"
Avatar artifacts
      "Well, thou surely must recognize them. They are supposed to be authentic! Things like Silver Horn and the eight stones. I understand the stones were used for teleportation, and if mages were not so sick in the head these days, they could cast a 'Recall' spell on them to teleport to specific places around Britannia. I believe if one casts a 'Mark' spell on one, thou canst re-assign the teleportation location! But I suppose none of that works anymore."

      Iolo whispers to you, "Er, Avatar, thou dost know that I do not condone stealing. But, er, I do believe these stones may be useful to us. Perhaps we should back later when the museum is closed, if thou dost know what I mean? After all, these items technically belong to thee!"


      "We meet every evening at the Hall. Thou must come and visit!"
      "The Fellowship has given me a great purpose in life. I have made new friends, and have even found love!" She giggles. "Ooops ! I gave away my secret! I must not to speak of it. Do forget I said that, please?"
      "I want to attain a higher level of acceptance in The Fellowship. I want to hear the 'voice'. That is mine one true goal."
      "Dost thou not know? The longer one is a member of The Fellowship, the greater the chances that one will hear the 'voice'. Supposedly, it is a man's voice that thou wilt hear -- perhaps in thy dreams, perhaps while thou art concentrating on something else -- it is a voice that tells thee things, suggests things. I do not know, really. I have not heard it yet, so I am only speaking of what I have heard from others more fortunate than I."
      "What secret? I do -not- have a secret! It was a slip of the tongue. I cannot really speak to anyone about it. Why, if word got out that the Mayor and I... I mean, uhm, -may- I... er, ask thee to forget that I said anything?"
      Candice turns beet red and turns away.
      "Good day, Avatar."


左右兩側是The Runes Of The Virtues。
上方左邊是The Britannian Lens。
上方右邊是The Gargoyle Lens。
正中間雕像是Lord British。


房間裡左上方匾額:To summon the Silver Snakes。
左下匾額:Silver Horn once used bye the Gargoyles。
上方雕像:The Avatar。
右上項鍊:The Ankh Symbol of the Virtues。
右下物體:The Vortex Cube。


上方遺骸:The Bones of Zog : earliest Britannian fossil。
右上靴子:Swamp boots once worn by the Avatar。
鋼琴上方匾額:Manittzi's Harpsichord used while composing
鋼琴下方匾額:Anna of Spring。
右方桌上石頭:The Stones of Virtue。
右下槍枝:Lord British's Musket。

