
來到不列顛王巷(Lord British Lane)路旁的珠寶店。

    You see a man whose boyish face is set with scrutinizing eyes that look as if they have seen much.
    "My name is Sean."
    "When not tending to Fellowship affairs, I am a jeweller here in Britain. If thou dost wish to buy something, say so!"
    "Even thou mayest join The Fellowship and I can tell thee more about it."
    "The Fellowship is a group that has been gaining much popularity in recent years with the people of Britannia. While on the surface it may simply appear to be a scholarly society studying its particular philosophy, its teachings have the power to forever alter the shape of Britannian society. Its ceremonies are deeply moving experiences."
    "I can tell thee about The Fellowship's philosophy if thou dost wish."
    "I moved mine entire business here to Britain to be near the main branch of The Fellowship. Thou hast no idea how much my business improved after I joined The Fellowship."
    "It is very delicate work. It requires a special touch that only a few have. Thou must know precisely how to handle precious materials. Only the finest of craftsmen become jewellers and they receive the highest compensation."
precious materials(貴重的礦物)
    "I constantly require new materials with which to create my very special jewelry. I am always in the market to buy gems. If thou dost ever come across any, I am the man to come to if thou shouldst want to sell them and make money."
    "Dost thou have a gem for sale?"
    "I will pay thee 30 gold coins per gem. Is that price agreeable?"
    "I see that thou hast 2 gems."
    "Here is thy payment."
finest craftsmen(最優秀的工匠)
    "As I have told thee, only the finest of craftsmen become jewellers, and I am the finest of jewellers. Does that not tell thee something?" Sean sniffs.
    "My business makes more money than the mint!" He laughs forcibly.
    "Wouldst thou like to buy something?"
    "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
‧gold ring(金戒指)100G
‧wedding ring(婚戒)150G
    "I am sure thou must be on thy way." Sean smiles.

