
You see s farm woman. She rubs her hands, which are covered with dirt and lines drawn by toil.
"My dreams have become reality. Thou art the Avatar, art thou not? I recognized thee immediately!"
"My name is Camille, Avatar. It is an honor to meet thee."
"I run a small farm here in Paws with my son, Tobias. I am a widow."
"He is a basically a good boy. He works hard and misses his father."
"I grew a few crops. Especially carrots and wheat."
"I believe my carrots are especially tasty. Wouldst thou like to purchase some? They would only cost thee one gold for three."
"I am sure thou wilt love them."
"That reminds me. This package needs to be taken to the mill today. If thou canst deliver it for me, Thurston will pay thee for it. Wilt thou?"
"Be sure and take this to Thurston, the mill owner. He shall pay thee for thy trouble."
"Life is hard here in Paws. It is a town of poor people with all the ills that poverty brings. At least The Fellowship brings us some relief."
"Recently, our town has been plagued by a thief."
"Some silver serpent venom was stolen from the merchant Morfin who operates the slaughterhouse."
"I am not sure whether I trust The Fellowship. It has undoubtedly done some good things in this world so it cannot be all bad. Or, at least, the people in it cannot be all bad."
"Pleasant journey, Avatar."

You see a sulking lad, who doesn't seem to want to look you in the eye.
"Just what I need. Another Avatar," he mumbles under his breath.
"I am Tobias. I suppose I am to believe thou art someone important."
"I am too young to have a job. I just help my mother on the farm."
"Her name is Camille. She speaks of thee. Or rather she speaks of the Avatar, is what I meant to say. Some people in town think she is mad because she still believes in the Eight Virtues."
"Thou hast already met her."
"Art thou truly the Avatar?"
"Thou art no Avatar!" Tobias frowns.
Eight Virtues(八大美德)
"My mother once took me to the Shrine of Sacrifice when I was younger. That was soon after my father died so I do not remember it very well. I do not think it is there anymore, for she never talks about going back. I think that perhaps she does not want to mention it because there are so many in town who belong to The Fellowship. And because it makes her sad."
For the first time he looks you in the eye. "I hate The Fellowship! They only other person in town mine own age is that cretin Garritt and it is all he ever talks about! He is always trying to convince my mother to join." He clenches his fist angrily. "Please do not mention them again."
mother join?(入會)
"Those bloody Fellowship people know that everyone is never more than a meal away from being penniless. They say that they want us to join immediately because the shelter is intended to help only Fellowship members. If we ever need to live there they may have to turn us away in favor of other Fellowship members."
"He is the only other boy in town anywhere near mine age. His parents do not want him playing with me because they think that 'associating with those kind of people' will 'hamper his education' or some such rubbish. I cannot stand the little bastard. And I hate the way he plays those stinking whistle panpipes!"
"My mother grows grain."
"Dost thou not know a farm when thou dost see one?"
Tobias looks at you as if he thinks you are a bit dim.
"She sells grain to Thurston the miller from time to time so that we may go to the pub or buy milk at the dairy every once in a while, but we usually just grow crops to keep ourselves fed."
"He is one of the few people in town that I like. He is nice to us."
"The dairy is south of the shelter. Andrew -- the man who runs the dairy -- his father was friends with my father."
"It's that place just south of here. It's run by The Fellowship."
"There is a thief running free in Paws! He stole silver serpent venom from Morfin, owner of the slaughterhouse. No one knows who he is."
"Be on thy way then, o great and wise Avatar."


"Greetings, milord," says Thurston.
You give the sack over to Thurston. He opens it and reaches inside. He had comes back out filled with wheat. He sifts through it with his fingers.
你給了瑟斯頓一袋小麥,他打開並檢查一下裡面。 他全身沾滿著麵粉走回來,並用手把身上拍打乾淨。
"I know Camille is often quite busy running her farm. Thanks to thee for making the delivery."
"This should compensate thee for thy trouble." He hands you ten gold pieces.
"Good day to thee, milord."