
走到同樣位於南公園廣場(Park Square South)旁的農民市場,找裡面的攤販談話。

    You see a sturdy-looking farmer's wife. She gives you a hospitable smile before returning to her chores.
    "I am called Kelly, milord."
    "Mine husband Fred and I run the Farmer's Market."
    "My Fred is one of the most respected merchants in Britain. He sells the eggs and vegetables grown by Brownie and Mack, as well as exotic imported fruit."
Farmer's Market(農民市場)
    "The Farmer's Market is where most of Britain buys its food. Why even the people in Paws will come here to buy eggs and vegetables. Fred has never raise the price of anything since opening this market many years ago."
    "The people of Paws are always short on money. Mine heart goes out to them. They are always looking to buy the least expensive items for it is all they can afford."
    "Oh, in Britain they look for quality produce. I see the people who buy here look over every egg for cracks and every vegetable for any sign of spoilage."
    "Brownie is a good man. I do hope he runs for the mayorship again. If he does thou must be sure to vote for him."
    "I do believe that poor old Mack has been cooped up with his chickens for too long. He is a good person. Do not be put off by the strange stories he doth tell. He rarely ever sleeps as he spends most of the night staring at the sky. Of course his rooster crows at dawn and no farmer can afford to sleep past the dawn. So his mind is a bit ragged."
    "Farmer Mack's chickens lay plenty of eggs. It is a good thing the people here have such healthy appetites!"
fruits and vegetables
    "We sell those mostly to older people. Thou dost know, I am sure, most children do not like to eat their vegetables. Some people do not want to keep a lot of fruit in their home as they are afraid of attracting fruit flies."
    "Wouldst thou like to buy some eggs, fruits or vegetables? We have plenty of delicious fresh eggs here for thee. And our vegetables are sure to keep thee in good health."
    "I am sure we have something here that will be to thy liking."
    "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
•grapes(葡萄) 3G
    "Good day to thee, milord."


    You see a friendly-looking farmer who waves at you as you approach.
    "My name is Fred."
    "I sell meats here at the Farmer's Market in Britain."
Farmer's Market(農民市場)
    "Here at the Farmer's Market we sell vegetables bought from the farmers just outside of town, as well as meats from the slaughterhouse in Paws."
    "It is run by a man named Morfin, a very successful merchant from Buccaneer's Den."
    "Morfin is an unusual character. If I did not know any better I would say he was involved with a number of shady business activities."
Buccaneer's Den(商業活動)
    "Morfin left that place because he saw all of the commerce that was developing there as competition to his own business activities and moved to Paws."
    "Paws is a good place to go to buy things for low prices. Many of the people are rather poor, I am sorry to say. There is little active commerce there, however. In Paws, one must deal with people on a more personal level."
    "There are the tastiest meats that thou canst buy. Do thyself a favor and try some."
    "Wouldst thou like to buy some meats?"
    "We have a fine selection of meats for thee today, milord."
    "What wouldst thou like to buy?"
‧meat on a spit(烤肉串)3G
‧dried meat(10)(肉乾10片)2G
    "Goodbye, milord."



    You see a friendly face looking back at you.
    "My name is Gordon."
    "I sell fish and chips from my wagon."
    "I just painted my wagon recently. It receives more attention. Business is much better now. I am saving my money to travel to Buccaneer's Den."
    "Ever since I became a member of The Fellowship, business has been increasing steadily. I have refined and improved the recipe for my fish batter and it has since become a favorite meal of nearly everyone in Britain. I have even served my fish and chips to Lord British himself."
    "自從我成為友誼會的成員,生意有了穩定的大幅成長。 我改良我的炸魚配方並且使之成為幾乎是不列顛最受歡迎的肉類食品了,我甚至曾經提供我的炸魚和薯條給不列顛王食用過。"
Lord British(不列顛王)
    "Thou dost know-- the bloke who wears a crown and acts like a king."
    "你知道的-- 那個戴著皇冠像個國王的傢伙。"
    "The Fellowship is a wonderful organization that is open to all the people of Britannia. I have learned so much through studying its philosophy and it has helped me to live my life to the fullest. Through The Fellowship I am able to achieve what I have set out to do in life and I am a better person for having joined."
Buccaneer's Den(海盜巢穴)
    "I wish to win some money at Buccaneer's Den. It is a pirate resort and they have a fabulous House of Games there."
pirate resort(海盜的渡假村)
    "As I am certain thou knowest, Buccaneer's Den was once a den of thieves and villains. As such, it held a romantic appeal for those who longed for a taste of such an adventurous existence. I am one of those people. When thou dost spend thy life selling fish from a wagon, thou art in need of excitement. The pirates eventually realized just how much they are secretly envied, and so they have turned their island into a place of thrilling amusement."
    "就如同我確定你也知道的,海盜巢穴過去曾經是小偷和罪犯的賊窩。因此同樣的,它也擁有那些嚮往冒險生活的人們有浪漫的吸引力,我就是其中之一。 海盜們後來終於瞭解到他們被多少人暗中羨慕著,因此他們改建他們的島嶼成為刺激的娛樂場所。"
House of Games(遊戲之屋)
    "It is said they have several games of chance there! Gold can be won wagering on the outcome of a race of fine stallions."
    "據說那裡他們有幾個運氣遊戲! 賭中優良的種馬可以讓你贏得黃金。"
fish and chips(炸魚和薯條)
    "I have the best fish and chips thou shalt taste in all of Britannia. My price is only 8 gold coins per serving. Wouldst thou like to have some?"
    He hands you a plate.
    "They are indeed the best fish and chips in all of Britannia."
    "Have a pleasant day, milord."

