"Yes, my friend?" Iolo asks.
Your friend snorts. "What, art thou joking, milord? Thou dost not know thine old friend Iolo?"
"Why, right now 'tis adventuring with that most courageous of all legendary heroes, the Avatar!"
"Why, there is no doubt - thou - art the Avatar, Zidane! However, thou mayest have some trouble convincing those who do not know thy face."
"你在說什麼,毫無疑問的 -你- 是聖者,席丹!然而,你想讓些不認識你的信服也許會有些麻煩。"
"Of course, thou-shouldst-be safe around thy friends!"
"Well, after all, thou hast been gone for 200 years! Most of those who would recognize thee are long gone! Sorry to be blunt and all, my friend, but there it is."
"Thou must mean Shamino and Dupre."
"Thy best bet in finding that rascal is to look in Britain. He has a girlfriend employed as an actress at the Royal Theatre."
"It has grown since thou last saw it. Paw is now a virtual township of Britain! It dominates the east coast of Britannia."
"Lord British's castle is still the overwhelming feature."
"It still lies between Britain and Trinsic, but it has grown further into Britain itself."
Lord British(不列顛王)
"My liege will be enormously pleased to see thee. We should travel to Britain post haste. I am sure he can give thee some valuable information and update thee on much of what thou hast missed in the 200 years of thine absence."
"Certainly. LB is always a repository of the most amazing facts, eh? Probably something to do with listening and not always talking."
"Speaking of information, reminds me of something! I have a little item which might be useful to thee. 'Tis an abacus. Use it to tally up all of our gold."
"I am sure we shall find him somewhere. Last I heard, he was in Jhelom. Didst thou know he was knighted?"
"It's true! Lord British knighted him recently. Why he did so, I cannot imagine!"
"The town has changed little, has it not? Everyone seems a little defensive, though. When we ran into each other, I was passing through and had stopped to visit my friend Finnigan."
"I think it best for thee to speak with them thyself. There have been many changes since last thou didst visit, Avatar. I think thou wilt feel at times a bit... well, old-fashioned."
"He is a good man. The Mayor of Trinsic, he is. I have known him for years."
"Ugly, is it not? From what I have heard, neither Christopher nor Inamo deserver so grisly a death. Thou shouldst certainly ask everyone in town about it."
"I did not know him, milord."
"I never spoke with him. It is truly a shame. There are not many gargoyles living amongst the humans. This will only discouraged the practice even more."
"Since thou wert last in Britannia, the Gargoyles have begun to integrate with the humans. Most of them live on Sutek's old island, which was renamed 'Terfin'. However, thou mayest see one here and there throughout the land."
"'Tis always a pleasure to speak with thee, my friend."