
往右走到馬廄巷(Stable Lane)底的橡木槳(The Oaken Oar)造船廠。

    Before you stands an old sailing man whose determined face appears to have weathered many a storm.
    "I be Clint."
Crown Jewel(皇冠珠寶號)
    "The Crown Jewel came to Britain? Not anytime recently. Most certainly not. I remember the Crown Jewel and it has not been to Britain for a long time."
    "In my youth I was a sailor who sailed across the sea in tall ships. Now I must content myself solely with selling ships and sextants to others."
    "Of course this was in the day when it took mighty men to be a sailor. Nowadays those who set out to sea would not have lasted a day. But I suppose it is the nature of the universe that everything slowly becomes more tame."
    "Soon all the monsters will die off and the whole world will join together in trust and worthiness and unity like all those Fellowship people say. Bah! The world was a better place when everybody fought everybody else, I say."
    "It is always the best thing to make thine own way in the world and not listen to what thou art told to believe. Thou hast better remember that!"
    "If thou art in need of a ship I hold the deed to a fine one. Thou wilt also need a sextant to help steer her true."
buy ship deed(購買船隻契約)
    "The deed to the ship 'The Beast' costs eight hundred gold pieces. Does thou wish to purchase her?"
    "If thou dost need a ship be sure to come back here."
buy sextant(購買羅盤)
    "A sextant costs one hundred gold pieces. Does thou wish to buy one?"
    "If thou shouldst ever need a sextant be sure to come back."
    "May thy travels do well."

