往西走到位於友誼會大道(AVENUE OF THE FELLOWSHIP)的友誼會分部裡,與主人談話。

This man exudes kindness and geniality. "Ah, Avatar! I recognized thee at once! Word has moved through town quickly. I had heard thou wert here."這位男士流露出和藹親切的表情。"哦,聖者!我馬上就可以把你認出來!在這鎮上消息流傳得很快的,我已經聽說你來了。"
"My name is Klog.""我的名字是柯羅格。"
"I am the Trinsic branch leader for The Fellowship. I work here with my wife Ellen.""我是友誼會特林希克分會的領導者,我與妻子在這工作。"
"The Fellowship meets here at the branch office in Trinsic every night at nine. Thou art welcome to attend.""友誼會在這裡的特林希克分部辦公室每晚九點有個聚會,我們很歡迎你來參與。"
"The Fellowship is a society of spiritual seekers who strive to reach the highest levels of human potential and share this philosophy freely with all people. The Fellowship was formed twenty years ago by Batlin with the full approval and support of Lord British."
"The Fellowship advances the philosophy of 'sanguine cognition', a way to apply a confident order of thought to one's life, through what is called the Triad of Inner Strength. The Triad is simply three basic principles that, when applied in unison, enable one to be more creative, satisfied, and successful in life. They are: Strive For Unity, Trust Thy Brother, and Worthiness Precedes Reward. Strive For Unity basically means that people should cooperate and work together. Trust Thy Brother implies that we are all the same and that we should not hate or fear each other. Worthiness Precedes Reward suggests that we must each strive to be worthy of that which we want out of life.""友誼會提出'樂觀的認知'哲學,透過我們所稱呼的內心力量之三元素,使應用於對人生思想確信的信任。三元素基本上可解釋為三條教條,當融合應用,可以讓人更有創造力、更滿意和成功於人生旅途。它們分別是:致力合一、信賴你的兄弟和價值先於報賞。致力合一基本上意思是人們必須一起共同合作與勞動。信賴你的兄弟意味我們都是平等的並且我們不需要去憎恨和恐懼彼此。價值先於報賞建議我們必須努力去獲得我們生命中的價值。
"Dost thou want to join?"
"Oh. Well, perhaps thou canst become enlightened another time.""哦,好吧,也許你改天會變的更明理。"
"She is my wife and bookkeeper for our branch.""他是我的妻子和分會的簿記員。"
"Well," the man says, reflecting, "I was home all night, and my wife Ellen will certainly verify that. But, as we say in The Fellowship, 'Worthiness Precedes Reward' Christopher must have done something bad. And the poor gargoyle Inamo! 'Tis a pity.""好吧,那人回憶的說著,"我整夜都在家裡,而我妻子可以證實此事。但就如我們友誼會說的,價值先於報賞,克理斯多夫一定做了些不好的事情。而那可憐的伊納莫!這可真令人同情。"
"Christopher was a valued member of The Fellowship for some time. Unfortunately, we got into a petty argument last week.""克理斯多夫曾有一段時間在友誼會裡是個很重要的會員,不幸地,我們上禮拜發生了一些小爭執。"
"Last week Christopher stated that he wanted to leave The Fellowship! Canst thou imagine? Well, we simply attempted to speak with him and alter his decision. The man verbally assaulted me and my companions with no provocation!""上禮拜克理斯多夫宣稱說他要退出友誼會!你可以想像嗎?嗯,我們只不過試著說服他改變決定,那人突然毫無原由的的口頭上攻擊我和我的同伴。"
"They have gone to Fellowship Headquarters in Britain. They were here delivering Fellowship funds. Their names are Elizabeth and Abraham.""他們已經離開這裡到不列顛友誼會總部去了,他們是來這裡運送友誼會資金的,他們的名字是伊莉莎白和亞伯拉罕。"
"I did not know the gargoyle. It sounds as if he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. 'Tis a pity.""我不認識那位石像鬼,聽起來像是他是在錯誤的時間待在錯誤的地方,真是遺憾。"
"If there is anything else I may help thee with, Zidane, let me know.""假如有任何我可以幫助你的地方,席丹,請讓我知道。"

This is a woman who seems pleasant and welcoming. "I am proud to meet the Avatar," she says, beaming.這是一位看起來熱誠歡迎你的女士。"我很榮幸見到聖者。"她高興的說著。
"My name is Ellen.""我的名字是Ellen。"
"I do the bookkeeping at the Fellowship Branch. I work with mine husband, Klog.""我在友誼會分部記帳,與我的先生柯羅格一起工作。"
"Mine husband Klog is a wonderful branch leader. He is an inspiration to all of the Trinsic members.""我的先生柯羅格是位優秀的分部領導者,他是所有特林希克會員的鼓舞者。"
"Perhaps thou couldst call it a 'confident philosophy'. We meet here at the branch office every night.""也許你可以稱之為'自信的哲學',我們每天晚上在分部裡聚會。"
branch office(分部)
"The Fellowship has branches all over Britannia. It is a most popular philosophical society.""友誼會在大不列顛各地都有分部,它是最受歡迎的哲學團體。"
"'Tis awful, is it not? Of course, I was home with Klog all night.""真是可怕,不是嗎?當然,我整晚都跟柯羅格在家裡。"
"Goodbye. I hope to see thee again, soon.""再見,我希望能馬上再見到你。"
THE BOOK OF THE FELLOWSHIP 友誼會之書 by Batlin of Britain. 著由不列顛的巴特林 Good morning to thee, gentle friend and traveller! No matters what time of day it might be when thou art reading this- no matters what the hour of the clock- I say good morning to thee because this very moment brings to thee the coming of the dawn. The dawn, as everyone knows, is the moment when illumination comes. The dawn marks the end of the long dark night. It is the moment that marks a new beginning. It is my humble hope that these words may be for thee a dawning, or at least, a sort of awakening... 向你道聲早安,高貴的朋友和旅行者!無論你是在一天的什麼時刻讀到此書- 無論現在是幾點鐘- 我都要向你道聲早安因為正是此時會帶給你黎明的曙光。黎明,正如每個人所知道的,是光亮來到的時刻。黎明代表著長夜的結束。它代表著新生的時刻。我卑微的希望這些文字能給你帶來黎明,或至少,某種程度的覺醒.... |