


遭受污染的鎖湖(Lock Lake)。

一旁就是小灣(Cove)了,但先去往南一趟憐憫神殿(Shrine of Comapssion)。

Emotion immediately grips your heart to see such a beautiful young woman seem so bad.
She looks up as you introduce your self.
"I am Nastassia."job
She thinks a moment. "I suppose my job is to keep the Shrine of Compassion pristine, through it is not an official position."Shrine
"The Shrine of Compassion has been here for many generations, as have all the shrines in Britannia. My great-great-grandmother Ariana made a request in her will that her family line take care of this particular shrine."take care
"I am afraid that thou mightest find the other shrines in poor condition. I keep this one... well, nice. And I do it not only to keep alive my great-great-grandmother's tradition, but... for other reasons, too."tradition
"Some people may think it odd that a young person would cling to the old ways so. But it is something that gives me great comfort. It gives me the feeling that there is something in this world that I belong to."reasons
"I... I'd rather not say. Please do not ask."all shrines
"Many of the shrines have fallen into disuse or have been overgrown to the point of being lost. It is sad."bye
"Goodbye, Zidane."在附近逛了一下。
