
You startle a fighter who seems lost in thought.
His dog seemed to be meditating as well.
"I am Rayburt."
He turns to the dog. "and this is Regal."
"He is an exceptionally smart animal. He understands the meditative way of life."
Rayburt throws the dog a cookie, which is snarfed up in the blink of an eye. "He is cute, too." Rayburt says with complete seriousness.
"I am a trainer. I specialize in a style of combat that relies on concentration and meditation. It shall boost thy dexterity and intelligence, as well as thy combat skill."
"Most of all combat occurs in the mind before the first blow is ever struck. The key to victory is to first win the inner battle in the mind. Winning that inner battle is what I help my students to learn."
Rayburt bows.
KARENNA'S WORKOUT by Karenna. Found within this plain-bound volume is a combat and exercise training manual. The work provides simple yet complete illustrations demonstrating a variety of steps that will not only disable an opponent, but also aids in good cardiovasular circulation. |
BLOODIED BLADES AND BUXOM BEAUTIES A.G. Fishmor This illustrious tome depicts the life of the romantic pirate, Roguerre, as he sails the Northeast Sea. As he travels from port to port, his adventures become increasingly dangerous, and as equally lucrative. The climax of the novel finds Roguerre in the clutches of a despotic island ruler, from whom he must escape -and- save the beautiful native princess. 血腥的刀鋒和嬌媚的美女 A.G. 菲遜摩爾 這本偉大的巨著描述著羅格瑞在他航行於東北海域期間時浪漫的海盜生活。那時他在各個港口間旅行時,他的冒險變的相當危險,同時也擁有可觀的獲利。小說的高潮是羅格瑞受到暴虐的島主擄獲,而他必須逃出生天並且拯救當地的公主。 |
THE SCENT OF VALOR by Wetterson Herein can be found the definitive word on chivalry and the duties to a Knight's liege. |
LANDSHIPS by Equinestra Not only does this extensive tome describe the many riding beasts in Britannia, but it also discusses riding styles and techniques. In addition, it addresses the reasons for the popularity of carts, explaining why so few people choose to continue riding horses. The final chapter covers flying carpets, and how they will ultimately replace all non-magical means of travel. |
OUTPOST by Gasreth Betwixt the covers of this volume is invaluable reading for all soldiers. This manual details the tactics and strategies of siege warfare, from the point of view of the attacker -and- the defender. ...and remember, a soldier's best line of active defense is the cannon. After thy comrades have already loaded the cannon, simply aim the cannon at thy target and fire away! |

屋後的鎖湖(Lock Loke)可真是被米諾克(Minoc)礦業污染的很嚴重。

屋旁的貓咪屍體裡可以找到再生之戒(ring of regeneration)。