往北來到友誼會庇護所,與主人談話。 Feridwyn You see a small man with twisted, sloped posture. He looks you up and down before deciding he will speak to you. "I have gotten word that thou wert coming to our town. I have been expecting thee. I must admit, though, that I find it difficult to believe that thou art truly the Avatar." name "My name is Feridwyn." job "I run the Fellowship shelter with my wife Brita and my son Garritt here in Paws." Fellowship "Would thou like to join?" no "Thou dost not yet comprehend how much thy life could be improved through the guidance of The Fellowship." shelter "This is the only place in all of Britannia designed for the aid and care of the poor. It is hard work, but then one strives to be worthy of that which we wish to receive." Brita "A wonderful woman. Thou shouldst meet her." Garritt "Thankfully, we have been able to raise our son properly by emphasizing the teachings of The Fellowship. Garritt shall not be trapped in the poverty of his surroundings. He shall be intellectually, spiritually, and morally superior. He's talented, too!" talented "He plays the whistle panpipes extremely well for a lad his aged! Brita and I are very proud. He could probably attend The Music Hall in Britain when he is older!" Paws "As this is a small town with few privileges and little privacy, our family has come to know everyone in Paws quite well. Is there someone thou dost wish to hear about? I am well acquainted with these people." merchants "They would be Morfin, Andrew, Thurston, and Beverlea." Morfin "Morfin is a clever and industrious member of The Fellowship. He runs the local slaughterhouse and is also a snake venom merchant." snake venom "Morfin, the local merchant, informs me that a quantity of silver serpent venom was stolen from him. The thief is still at large, so be wary! Of course, I do not know why anyone would want the vile substance. It is surely not good for one's health." Andrew "Andrew is such a happy young man. He doth not notice the myriad of personal problems that he is afflicted with." Thurston "Thurston owns the mill. He could do better of he ran his business with more of an eye toward profit." Beverlea "She is a nearly blind elderly woman who runs the antique shoppe on the east side of the river." farmers "That would be Camille and her son Tobias." Camille "She's a sad woman -- a widow -- who is living in the past. 'Tis a pity, really. Fortunately her husband left her the farm which does happen to turn a profit." Tobias "A local rascal. I normally would not allow Garritt to associate with such a troublemaker, but The Fellowship has taught me to be a tolerant parent. Besides, associating with my son might do the lad some good. Who knows?" shelter residents "Our residents include Alina and her child, and Merrick." Alina "Her husband is currently in Britain somewhere. I do not know the details. She has a small child." Merrick "A splendid example of The Fellowship turning someone's life around. Presently he resides in our shelter." beggars "Oh. Them. Komor and Fenn." Feridwyn rolls his eyes. Komor "Komor is the most hateful man I have ever met. He is a bundle of bitterness. In all the time I have know him, Komor has never spoken a word to me that was not at best a thinly veiled insult." Fenn "Fenn is a beggar who refuses all aid from The Fellowship. A pathetic case. Not even his former friend Merrick can reach him any more." bye "Mayest thou walk with the Fellowship." 與女主人談話。 Brita A stern-looking woman stares back at you without humor. name "I am Brita." job "I help mine husband Feridwyn run The Fellowship's shelter in Paws." Feridwyn "Mine husband is the most honorable man I have ever met in my life."
Feridwyn "Do not put stock in the proud boasts of wives, good Avatar. I am a simple man who only does what he can." Fellowship "Thou shouldst speak to mine husband of The Fellowship. I am certain thou wilt be most impressed by what he shall have to tell thee." shelter "Running the shelter is hard work for mine husband and me, but it is worth the effort to ease the suffering of those less fortunate than we." Paws "We hear about everything that goes on in Paws. If I do not know about it then mine husband does. Is there anyone in particular thou dost wish to know about?" yes "I know about these people." Alina "Alina lives in the shelter with her baby, poor thing. Her husband is a common thief who even now sits in prison. But we shall help her get her life straightened out once we persuade her to join The Fellowship. She is not smart enough, thou knowest, to see the advantages for herself. She must be carefully instructed." Camille "Camille is a farm widow. She tends to live in the past, following the old virtues and questioning the ways of The Fellowship. These country folk are so superstitious, thou knowest. It is a fault of their low intellect. She does not even notice what a hooligan her boy, Tobias, is growing up to be! Not at all like our son, Garritt." Tobias "A simply wretched little urchin. Always sulking. But then, one must realize that he has no father to discipline him properly." Garritt Brita beams. "Garritt is a wonderful son. He is being raised to follow the values of The Fellowship. His worthiness has been rewarded." rewarded "Garritt is so talented at the whistle panpipes! It is truly a gift!" Polly "Polly runs the local tavern to be near people. She is a lonely soul and feels that there is simply no one who wishes for her heart. It makes me so sad to think of her. She could find all the companionship she could want if she would join The Fellowship." thief "One of our members, a local merchant named Morfin, had a shipment of silver serpent venom stolen from him. Not that I care about the venom itself, but is it not shocking?" serpent venom "I have never seen any myself. I have no idea what it does to someone, but it cannot possibly be good!" bye "Mayest thou walk with The Fellowship, Avatar." 找住在庇護所裡的人談話。 Merrick You see a nervous man who constantly blinks. He sees you and looks like he is in a snit. "Who art thou?" Avatar "Thou art a most pathetic little worm. Really, all this Avatar nonsense is nothing more than a sad plea for attention." apology "I do most humbly apologize to thee, Zidane. As I am certain thou art aware, there have been many who have claimed to be the one and only true Avatar ever since thou hast last visited us." name "I am Merrick." job "I used to be a farmer here in Paws. Now I suppose I work fro the Fellowship. I live in their shelter." farmer "I was a farmer; of course, that was before the seven year drought. Komor, Fenn and myself were reduced to paupers." Komor "He once owned one of the largest farms in all of Britannia. He was born to wealthy parents. After he lost his farm he took to sleeping along the road. One night a gang of bullies wanted to steal his gold. He had none so they beat him until he was lame. He is a very bitter man. Tragic." Fenn "Fenn was a farm laborer, and one of Komor's most trusted friends. With the farm gone Fenn just did not have any place to go or any way to live." paupers "For years Komor, Fenn and I lived off of the rubbish of others, sleeping by the side of the road. Then I found The Fellowship and my life was changed for the better. I have tried to share my newfound fortune with my friends but I fear they hate me for being more resourceful than they." Fellowship "The Fellowship is the philosophical group devoted to the teachings of a truly great man named Batlin. In the absence of the Avatar, Batlin has become a sort of spiritual father for the people of Britannia. Through his speeches and writings he has changed the lives of many people, including my own." Paws "I have lived here in Paws all my life. I will not leave it now. I shall never leave." thief "I have heard that some of Morfin's venom hath been stolen. I cannot imagine who would do it, unless it was that brat that lives with the farmer widow." brat "I believe his name is Tobias." widow "I believe her name is Camille." bye "Good day, Zidane." 找一旁的婦女談話。 Alina You see a simple peasant woman. Her face is etched with sorrow. name "I am Alina." job "I have none, milord, save for being the mother of my child. I am waiting for mine husband, Weston, to return from Britain." child "Cassie is my daughter. Just a wee baby, she is mine only joy." Weston "Mine husband is imprisoned in Britain for stealing fruit from the Royal Orchards." stealing "Mine husband is no thief, milord. He went there to buy fruit for the child and me so that we would have enough to eat. He has been wrongfully accused, I am certain of it!" eat "We are very poor. My baby and I are presently living in the Fellowship shelter because we have nowhere else to go." Fellowship "It was a member of The Fellowship that has accused mine husband. Now they wish for me to join them." accused "They say if I join they will attempt to free mine husband. But it was they who unjustly accused him. I cannot trust them, but I fear I may have no choice." join them "I cannot join The Fellowship without feeling that I am betraying mine husband. How could I become one of those who have falsely accused him? Yet, if I do not, they will not allow my child and me to live here." She sobs and covers her face with her hands. "It is so unfair. I must choose between starvation and betrayal. If only Weston were here. I do not know what to do!" shelter "We are fortunate that we are able to live by The Fellowship's good graces, but I do not know how long we will be allowed to stay." allowed "They tell me the shelter is only for members of The Fellowship. Unless I join soon, I shall be asked to leave. And I have nowhere else to go." bye "Pleasant day to thee, milord." 閱讀屋裡文件和書籍。 KEEPING BRITANNIA CLEAN -- SEND THE GARGOYLES BACK! Paid for by the Britannian Purity League | THE BOOK OF THE FELLOWSHIP by Batlin of Britain. Good morning to thee, gentle friend and traveller! No matters what time of day it might be when thou art reading this- no matters what the hour of the clock- I say good morning to thee because this very moment brings to thee the coming of the dawn. The dawn, as everyone knows, is the moment when illumination comes. The dawn marks the end of the long dark night. It is the moment that marks a new beginning. It is my humble hope that these words may be for thee a dawning, or at least, a sort of awakening... | |