

往右走到市政廳(Town Hall)。


      You see a noble man in his forties who looks like either a politician or a well dressed merchant.
      "Avatar! I was just alerted of thy presence in out fair city! I have been expecting thee!"
      "I am Patterson. Named after my father." He holds his handout, takes yours, and shakes it firmly. "It is such a pleasure to meet the Avatar!"
      "Why, I am the Town Mayor! The Town Mayor of Britain, that is! I would have thee know that mine election was an overwhelming victory! Mine opponent never had a chance!"
      "I am also President of the Britannian Tax Council."
      "It was held two years ago. I received 84 percent of votes. It was an impressive victory, I must admit."
      "Of course, when one has a group like The Fellowship behind them..."
      "My life has improved greatly since I joined. I find that mine honesty is impeccable, my leadership is unchallengeable, and my love for my wife is irreproachable."
      "Thou shouldst consider attending one of our meeting in the evening."
      "I am obviously the most honest person in Britain! Perhaps I should move to Moonglow! Ha!"
      "Her name is Judith. She's the music teacher at The Music Hall. Perhaps thou hast met her. We have a wonderful relationship."
      "Patterson's eyes widen and for a moment looks very nervous. But very quickly he regains his composure.
      "Candice? Why, she is a friend! A 'brother' at The Fellowship! That is all!"
Tax Council
      "The land must have some way of generating income. Taxes are the only solution. Every merchant and farmer is taxed. Anyone who works for a living is taxed."
      "The Britannian Tax Council has its main office in the Royal Mint."
      "He was an old farmer named Brownie. Didn't have much money to put into a campaign. Even the peasants didn't support him."
      "Did I say that? I certainly did not mean it. There is no class system in Britain anymore, nor in the entire country, for that matter! What I meant is that the 'peasantry', that is, those people who are not of superior lineage -- which is the type of man Brownie is -- -they- did not support him either. They knew who would be the best leader!"
      "Did I say that? I do not think I really meant that the way it sounded. What I meant to say was that there are people who come from families of better standing than others. And Brownie is not one of them! But do not misunderstand me -- I still maintain that the class system in Britannia has been abolished!"
      Patterson nods his head at you.



Bill of Underwater Scavenging and Cricket Playing

23568976.Y7, section 069

Whereby the participants belonging to the first party of the first team may also engage in supplementary treasure seeking within the bounds of two-hundred and thirty-nine feet from the docks.

Whereby the participants belonging to the second party of the second team may follow accordingly provided they use no handkerchiefs within the bounds of serven and one-half feet of the first party of the first part.

Be it known the second party of the first may not involve outside...

