You see an elderly man with good humor and a warm smile.
"All my friends call me Bennie."
"I am the Head Servant at the castle. My job consists of keeping the other servants in line and serving the meals."
Head Servant
"Yes, I have been Head Servant for many years. Mine entire family works for Lord British. My son is the king's gentleman's gentleman. My daughter is the Royal Chambermaid. My wife is Head Cook. We are pleased to work for Lord British."
"My wife, Boots, is the head cook. Her specialty is roast beef. She makes wonderful pastries, too. Enough of those will give thee a very un-Avatar-like figure! Wouldst thou like to order a meal?"
"For thee, it is free!"
Bennie serves you and your party a delicious meal of beef and pastry.
"Return tomorrow and thou canst have another free meal."
"Safe journeys, Zidane."
This is an elderly woman who epitomizes 'grandmotherly'.
"All my brothers and sisters called me 'Boots' when I was a baby, and it hath remained my name ever since."
"Why, I am Lord British's personal cook! I prepare meals for the entire castle."
"Just go to the dining room at breakfast or supper time and mine husband Bennie will serve thee!"
"For breakfast I usually prepare a dish that my Liege brought with him from his homeland. Here we call it Eggs British. It is served with assorted fruits and tea, of course. It is the King's favorite."
"This meal is usually whatever meat or game or fish Lord British requests, accompanied by several additional courses and a fine dessert."
"He's a dear, but he has become a little absent-mined in his later years. He never remembers to bring enough meat from the slaughterhouse in Paws. In fact, we are short this week!"
"Last week I asked him to put a little garlic into some soup. He put in the garlic and then forgot about it. So he went and put some more in. Then he forgot he did that. So he put in more. Well, thou canst imagine the look on Lord British's face when he finally did taste that soup! It is a good thing we live and work in the castle of such a just ruler."
"That is right, we do not have enough. If thou couldst bring me mutton from the slaughterhouse, I will pay thee 5 gold for every portion thou canst bring. All right."
"God, I will be awaiting thy return!"
"Bye now!"
"Yes, Avatar?" Bennie asks with authority.
"Yes, I suppose I am. I am also becoming a little hard-of-hearing. When thou hast seen as many years as I have, one's faculties are no longer perfect."
"Safe journeys, Zidane."

Reasons why one should never build doors facing north or west.
Many centuries ago, the prophet, Father Antos, foretold the coming of a plague of Locust that would arrive from the lands to the north. He predicted that their source area was so important that it would indicate who would survive the attack, and who would not. He predicted that anyone living in a house having a door with a northern exposure would perish under the onslaught. Two days later, the locusts came, and in the aftermath, it was discoverd that only the houses with doors on the north wall were destroyed.
...The naturalist, Ergan, incorporating Algarth's discovery that the sun rises from the east, theorized that the nightly path of many dark-dwelling nasties could be traced. As the sun moves slowly to the west, Ergan contends, shadows increase in the east, forcing monsters to move that direction to stay out of the sun. Therefore, as denizens of the dark travel from the west, they are more likely to invade households with doors that directly cross their paths...
A qualitative study in metaparaphilosophical radiation
by Mempto
Despite Felcrodan's theory of 0335, there are, indeed, rays of energy that constantly bombard Britannia. In fact, there very same rays permeate of all the known space between Britannia and the stars. Recent experiments have proven my theory that there rays, knowns hereafter as 'Mempto Rays,' are lethal to all non-living matter. In fact, Mempto rays have demonstrated their ability numerous times, once killing an entire boulder in a matter of a few hours. It is my recommendation...