
This elderly mage looks older and more senile than when you last saw him.
"That I know. My name is Rudyom."job
"I am not sure anymore. I was a powerful mage at one time! Now nothing works. Magic is afoul! I suppose I could sell thee some reagents and spells if thou dost want. And mind the carpet -- it does not work!"carpet
"The big blue carpet. 'Tis a flying carpet. It does not work like it should."Rudyom looks around and scratches his head.
"Funny. It was here a while ago. Oh! I remember now. Some adventurers borrowed my flying carpet a few weeks ago. When they returned they said they had lost it near Serpent's Spine. Somewhere in the vicinity of the Lost River. I suppose if thou didst want to go and find it, thou couldst keep it. It did not work very well. Perhaps thou canst make it work. I did not like the color, anyway!"
"Do not mention that foul mineral's name to me! It hast caused me much frustration! Before my mind lost me I was conducting experiments with the infernal material. But now I cannot for the life of me remember what it was I was trying to do."experiments
"I wrote them all down in my notebook, which is somewhere around here. Thou art welcome to look at it. But stay away from that damned transmuter -- 'tis dangerous!"transmuter
"'Tis that wand-like thing. It was supposed to magnetize and magically transmute blackrock, but it doth not work correctly. Try pointing it at a piece of blackrock and thou wilt see what I mean. But do not stand too close! Thou art welcome to take it if thou dost want a piece of garbage!"notebook
"I used it to record mine experiments with blackrock and the blackrock transmuter."magic
"I do not understand what is wrong. My magic does not work so well anymore."Moongates
"They are a nuisance, are they not? I do believe that blackrock is the solution to the problem. I wish my mind had not lost me, or I could continue my work..."bye
"Leaving so soon? Deary me. I hope I remember thee if thou dost come back."
拿走Rudyom's Wand。

WHY GOOD MAGES LIKE BLACK MAGIC by Magus Despite the rather frivolous title, this complete tome explains the value of applying magic for the benefit of society, as opposed to selfish, presented herein mesh quite well with those exemplified by the virtues. |
THE TRANSITIVE VAMPIRE, by Karen Elisabeth Gordon This richly-detailed tome is a "handbook of grammar for the Innocent, the Eager, and the Doomed." |
RIBALD ENCOUNTERS by Madden Within the pages of this anthology are many stories full of suggestive prose. |
HOW THE WEST WAS by Yuclydia This tome of history tracks the geography of Britannia from the early centuries to more recent times. The included maps provide a level of detail never before seen in a work of this nature. In addition, the short chapter on the once-important virtues reveals their source from the broader tenets of Truth, Love, and Courage. |
DOLPHIN IN THE DUNES by Pietre Hueman. Contained within the pages of this book is what seems to be an allegory for human familial relations. The work is obviously fiction, but the understones suggest extensive study on Hueman's part. Halfway through the work, the point of view shifts, permitting the reader to see multiple sides of each issue. |
MODERN NECROMANCY by Horance The author of this poetic treatise attempts to show how necromancy has been maligned throughout the years and explains the beneficial knowledge that can be garnered by studying the effects of magic on a lifeless corpse, including the more recent art of returning life to a dead companion, known as resurrection. |
THE DAY IT DIDN'T WORK By R. Allen G. This collection of essays details the difficulties in overseeing a group of well-meaning misfits in a mechanical environment -- especially when the overseer is a misfit, as well! |
NO ONE LEAVES by R. Allen G. The sequel to THE DAY IT DIDN'T WORK. This short tome offers insight to why new mechanical contraptions don't always function at the time agreed upon between mechanician and overseer, despite how constructed they may appear. In addition, the work discusses how to handle presenting the complaints to the tinkerers who worked on them, and how to persuade them to finish the work regardless of how tired they are and how late in the evening it is. |
I AM NOT A DRAGON by Thomson Within these pages is a bawdy tale of Belnarth, fictional lord of Serpent's Hold. This volume is part one of a great trilogy involving the humorous exploits of the lord and his fellow knights. |
HOW TO CONQUER THE WORLD IN THREE EASY STEPS by Maximillian the Amazingly Mean Found within are the ravings of a deranged meglomaniac cleric, describing his plans for the domination of Britannia. ...and after I have acquired the Vas Corp spell, there will be no one to defy me, for all will fear my casting of the spell. Even the loft Lord Brit, himself, will offer his obeisance to me... |
THE APOTWECARY'S DESK REFERENCE by Fetoau It is the author's expectation that thou art reading this familiarize thyself with the effects of various potions based on their color. The first part of this work will discuss such aspects, with the remaining pages covering the materials and steps required to make such alchemal creations. Definitions: Black potion: Drinking this will render the individual invisible for several minutes. Blue potion: This mixture will put the imbiber into a deep sleep. Orange potion: This potion will awaken an individual who was magically put to sleep. Purple potion: This concoction will provide magical protection for several minutes of hard fighting. White potion: This potion will provide a small bit of illumination, much like a candle, for a few minutes. Yellow potion: This powerful mixture will give healing aid to the imbiber's wounds. WARNING: Green potion: This potion is a dangerous toxin, and will poison the imbiber, possibly killing the individual. Red potion: This fabulous drink will cure most poisons, including those acquired from the slugs in the swamps and that gained from drinking a GREEN potion. This next section details how one can best recreate these uncanny concoctions... |
RINGWORLD by Larry Niven Herein lie the words that tell of adventures to be had in the space between Britannia and the heavens. The work, although fictional, preposes that there are many undiscovered lands that lie between Britannia and other suns. |
THE DRAGON COMPENDIUM by Perrin Found almost exclusively in the dungeon Destard, dragons are an ancient race of large reptiles. They possess great intelligence, and a few also use magic, sometimes summoning others creatures to fight with -- or for -- them in battle. However, in combat, they are quite formidable without any aid, for in addition to their sharp claws and the rows of razor-like teeth that fill their maws, they are capable of producing large clouds of fiery death. That, combined with their ability to become invisible makes them more than a match for any foolish enough to cross one. Shouldst one ever be found that is willing to bargain with thee, I strongly suggest doing so, for very few can survive a battle with one of these terrible lizards, and even fewer can emerge victorious. |