VETRONS GUIDE TO WEAPONS AND ARMOUR Their effectiveness and value Here is listed, for easy comparison, the various weapons and their effect upon opponents: Axe, two-handed: 10 Blowgun: 1, can be used with poison or sleep Bow: 8 Cannon: 90 Club: 2 Crossbow: 10 Dagger: 1 Halberd: 10 Hammer: 4 Hammer, two-handed: 9 Knife: 2 Mace: 5 Main gauche: 2 Morningstar: 5 Powder Keg: 16 Sling: 3 Sword: 6 Sword, two-handed: 11 Throwing axe: 4 Torch: 3 Triple crossbow: 28 Whip: 4 Armour and shields and their protection effectiveness are described here to permit the informed soldier the opportunity to select the armour best suited to his or her fighting style: Buckler: 1 Chain armour: 2 Chain coif: 2 Chain leggings: 2 Crested Helm: 3 Curved heater: 3 Gauntlets: 2 Gorget: 3 Great Helm: 4 Greaves: 2 Kidney belt: 1 Leather armour: 1 Leather boots: 1 Leather collar: 1 Leather gloves: 1 Leather helm: 1 Leather leggings: 1 Plate armour: 4 Plate leggings: 3 Scale armour: 2 Spiked Shield: 2 Wooden shield: 2 Here is a list of the better-known enchanted weapons: Magic arrow: +4 Magic axe: 8, can be thrown Magic bow: 12 Magic sword: 7, very accurate Glass sword: 127, breaks Enchanted armour: Magic armour: 5, Magic gauntlets: 3, Magic gorget: 4, Magic helm: 5, Magic leggings: 4, Magic shield: 4 Rarities and oddities of Britannia. Fellowship staff: 6 Fire sword: 8 Musket: 9 B.R. sword: unknown All of the items listed in the final category are either unique items, or legendary items. Their usefulness in combat has not yet been explored fully. 武器和甲冑指南 它們的效力和價值 這裡列出,並簡單比較,各種不同的武器和它們針對的敵人: 斧頭,雙手使用:10 吹箭:1,可添加毒藥或催眠劑 弓:8 大砲:90 棍棒:2 十字弓:10 匕首:1 戟:10 鎚子:4 鎚子,雙手使用:9 小刀:2 釘頭錘:5 副劍:2 流星錘:5 炸藥:16 投石索:3 長劍:6 劍,雙手使用:11 投擲斧:4 火把:3 三連弩:28 鞭子:4 這裡描述甲冑、盾牌和它們的防護力,可以讓老練的戰士選擇最適合他或她戰鬥方式的裝備: 小圓盾:1 鍊條甲:2 鍊條護盔:2 鍊條護脛:2 羽飾頭盔:3 Curved heater: 3 金屬護手:2 護頸:3 巨盔:4 護脛:2 腰帶:1 皮甲:1 皮靴:1 皮領:1 皮護手:1 皮盔:1 皮護脛:1 板條甲:4 金屬護手:3 鱗甲:2 尖刺盾:2 木盾:2 這裡列出最常見的附魔武器 附魔箭矢:+4 魔斧:8,可以投擲 魔弓:12 魔法劍:7,非常準確 玻璃劍:127,易碎 附魔甲冑: 魔法盔甲:5, 魔法護手:3, 魔法護頸:4, 魔法頭盔:5, 魔法護脛:4, 魔法盾:4 大不列顛珍奇異寶。 友誼會權杖:6 火焰劍:8 毛瑟槍:9 黑石劍:未知 這些列在最後分類的是特殊或是傳說中的物品。它們在戰鬥中的效力還沒被完整的證實。 |